Orange County NC Website
6 <br />responsibility nearly 100 years ago when they saw firsthand how <br />expanding civilization and unregulated exploitation had caused <br />disastrous declines in wildlife population throughout North <br />Carolina; and <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina hunters and anglers took steps to reverse this <br />trend, helping found the conservation movement, supporting laws to <br />stop uncontrolled exploitation of wildlife and helping establish <br />game and fish laws, enforcement and management practices; and <br />WHEREAS, They also suggested and supported laws to establish special <br />hunting and fishing license fees and special taxes on their <br />equipment to pay for conservation programs; and <br />WHEREAS, In the fiscal year 1993-94, North Carolina's hunters and anglers <br />contributed $25 million to the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission's <br />conservation programs. These programs have benefitted hundreds of <br />wildlife and fish species, from deer, quail, wild turkey, striped <br />bass and brook trout to otters, bald eagles, alligators, and <br />songbirds--fish and wildlife that all North Carolinians can enjoy. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Orange County Board of Commissioners, do hereby <br />proclaim September 24, 1994 as "HUNTING AND FISHING DAY" in Orange <br />County and call upon all the citizens of the County to recognize the <br />roles of these men and women in preserving this important part of <br />our American heritage and in ensuring the wise and proper management <br />of our natural resources. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />VI. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />VII. POBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. PIIBLIC HEARING ON FARMLAND PRESERVATION BOND REFERENDIIM <br />Planning Director Marvin Collins said that this is a legally <br />required public hearing to provide an opportunity for anyone who wishes to <br />be heard on the questions of the validity of the Bond Order and the <br />advisability of issuing the bonds. Prior to the meeting, information on <br />this program was distributed. A slide presentation was done at this time <br />by Management Analyst Sharron Siler. The public hearing was open for <br />citizen comments. <br />Joyce Stanford stated she is against this program because she <br />does not believe that selling development rights can keep a farm in <br />business. <br />Ben Lloyd stated that he would like to be included in the <br />program but disagreed with the rating system used to rate farms. <br />James Upchurch stated he is not interested in the program. <br />Bill Waddell spoke in support of the proposal. <br />Bobby Nichols stated he is opposed to the program and suggested <br />