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3 <br />C. REPORT RIIRAI, CHARACTER PRESEROATION PROPOSAL <br />Marvin Collins reported on a staff-generated rural character/open <br />space preservation strategy. A .summary sheet was distributed. The proposal <br />is an attempt to focus on a specific means of addressing all the different <br />interests. In summary, the proposal would maintain the existing one acre <br />minimum lot size requirement. The provision of open space would be optional. <br />However, a developer would be required to submit two concept plans -- one for <br />a conventional subdivision and another for a "flexible" or open space <br />subdivision. Both plans would be approved and it would be the developers <br />option which plan they want to pursue. Another proposal is that at least one- <br />third (33$) of the land within a "flexible" or open space subdivision must be <br />set aside as open space which may be preserved through several approaches as <br />listed in the report. Density bonuses will be provided, based on compliance <br />with design guidelines rather than the amount of open space provided. Bonuses <br />are also limited by the type of water supply/sewage disposal service available <br />to the development. The "Flexible Development" option is being prepared in <br />the format of an amendment to the Subdivision Regulations. The basic strategy <br />is to substitute it for the current "cluster Development" standards. <br />Associated with the amendment would be the preparation of a Rural Design <br />Guidebook to illustrate, through a case study approach, how to use the option <br />in designing open space or "flexible" developments. <br />Commissioner Gordon noted that she voted against taking the two <br />acre minimum lot size to public hearing. She felt that the options as <br />outlined by the Rural Character Study Committee was what should have been <br />taken to public hearing. <br />Chair Carey announced that this report is for information only at this <br />time. This item is currently under consideration by the Planning Board. <br />II. AIIDIENCE COMMENTS <br />A. MATTERS ON THE PRINTED AGENDA <br />Chair Carey said that anyone who would like to speak to an item on <br />the printed agenda will be recognized at the appropriate time. <br />B. MATTERS NOT ON THE PRINTED AGENDA <br />1. Community Concerns <br />Tyson Clayton said that the meeting at Lake Orange originated <br />because of random rumors. He stated that he is concerned about actions. the <br />County Commissioners have taken during the last few years which have resulted <br />in increased burdens on landowners in Orange County. These include fees, <br />setback requirements for watershed protection which far exceed the State <br />standards and now the two acre minimum lot size. He noted that last year the <br />Planning Board recommended that the one acre minimum lot size be maintained <br />and open space provisions be voluntary. He questioned why the County <br />Commissioners elected not to adopt those recommendations. He feels that <br />imposing the two acre minimum and mandatory open space provision .slaps <br />affordable housing in the face. He said he is not against open space or the <br />two acre minimum. He feels the method being proposed is ethically and morally <br />wrong and hopes that the method adopted is fair and equitable for all the <br />citizens of Orange County. Mr. Tyson's statement is in the permanent agenda <br />file in the Clerk's office. <br />Chair Carey noted that public hearings are held so that the <br />