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5 <br /> November 8, 1994 ballot. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> In answer to a concern expressed by Commissioner Halkiotis, John <br /> Link said that he will present some of the educational materials on this bond <br /> prior to the public hearing scheduled for September 6, 1994. Commissioner <br /> Gordon noted that one purpose of farmland preservation is to save prime land <br /> for food production and she asked to what degree food crops are counted in the <br /> LESA formula. She requested that the educational materials for the bond <br /> provide a brief explanation of the methods for evaluating farmland used in the <br /> LESA system and also answer the major questions raised in the first public <br /> hearing. The Board decided that the members of the Bond Steering Committee <br /> will not be appointed by the Board but will be an independent committee. Any <br /> educational materials may be paid for by the County. However, anything that <br /> promotes the bond issue will have to be paid for by outside funds. <br /> B. STATUS OF COURTHOUSE ADDITION <br /> Purchasing Director Pam Jones briefly went through the steps that <br /> have been followed. She worked with Judge Battle to develop what a court <br /> facility needs for short term for the next five years. The plan as stated in <br /> the abstract consist of six items. These include the following: <br /> (1) The Courtroom should have a seating capacity of no fewer than <br /> 125 persons; <br /> (2) The arena area should be of sufficient size to accommodate <br /> multiple defendants when necessary; <br /> (3) There should be a jury deliberation room with toilet <br /> facilities; <br /> (4) A Judges office with toilet facilities and private entrance <br /> should be included; <br /> (5) A holding cell and separate entrance for inmates should be <br /> included; <br /> (6) There should be conference rooms (at least two) available for <br /> the attorneys and their clients. <br /> The County Commissioners asked questions about the location of the <br /> different offices and functions which were answered by Purchasing Director Pam <br /> Jones. This court facility will seat about 200 and can be used for meetings <br /> held by the County Commissioners. Commissioner Halkiotis suggested that the <br /> space be used only when there is a controversial item and a large crowd is <br /> expected. Judge Love will be starting night court in November or earlier. <br /> Commissioner Gordon indicated that it was important to consider how this <br /> structure would fit into the long term plan for court facilities, and asked <br /> if the facility could be designed so that a second or third floor could be <br /> constructed on the same site if needed in the future. Pam Jones noted that <br /> the Justice Facility Study Committee is looking at facility needs that will <br /> last until 2020. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to approve the change in the scope of work for the New Courthouse <br /> project and during the development of the 1995-2000 Capital Improvements Plan, <br /> amend the plan to include an additional $120, 000 for the purpose of <br /> constructing a courtroom to accommodate the Orange County Superior Court. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />