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4 <br /> He read a petition from land owners which states, as follows: <br /> That the County Commissioners are committing an egregious error, and <br /> ignoring the rights of property owners in the University Station <br /> development and neighborhood. A vocal minority is controlling the <br /> use of the land belonging to others and is setting a frightening <br /> precedent for the treatment of property owners elsewhere in Orange <br /> County. We will not stand by idly and see our property down zoned, <br /> devalued and overregulated. <br /> The petition is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office. <br /> JOHN MOORE, a Falls of the New Hope community resident, spoke in support <br /> of open space cluster development. He asked that open space development be <br /> mandatory for building density of one unit per two acres and one unit per five <br /> ares. The definition of open space should be defined as having a minimum of 50% <br /> buildable acreage left in a natural setting. That natural setting would include <br /> a great deal of agricultural land. He suggested that development pressure is <br /> increasing in the community and protection must be in p <br /> lace to assure that sprawl <br /> is not allowed to occur. <br /> P <br /> RICHARD DANIELS, a developer and builder, addressed the issue of affordable <br /> housing. He indicated that 18 months ago a 1200 sq. ft. home was selling for <br /> $75,000. Today the same house sells for $92,500. That is a 25% increase. Most <br /> of this was due to lumber cost, impact fees and land costs. The two acre <br /> requirement will cause home ownership to be out of the reach of many moderate <br /> income citizens. With a two acre requirement, the 1200 sq. ft. home of 18 months <br /> ago would cost $104,500. <br /> FRANCES PARKER, owner of the Carr Dairy Farm, commented that her parents <br /> have protected and cared for this land for over 50 years. She asked that the <br /> County Commissioners not allow the value to be devalued by approving the two acre <br /> lot minimum. She stated that the University Station Plan which was developed by <br /> Mr. Cogswell is beautiful and well planned. Higher density is necessary if there <br /> is to be affordable housing in Orange County. She requested that the University <br /> Station plan be approved. <br /> ELEANOR CARR BOYD, spoke in support of the University Station plan. She <br /> asked that rational thinking prevail and that this proposed neighborhood be <br /> approved. She requested that the one unit per 2 acres be rejected. <br /> ALLEN PARSONS, an Orange County resident, asked if the proposal would <br /> affect the value of property currently subdivided. <br /> GEOF GLEDHILL indicated that this proposal would affect the further <br /> subdivision of the lots but not the lots that currently exist. <br /> ROY MC ADOO, a resident of Cheeks Township, requested that the two acre lot <br /> minimum be rejected. This will further hinder the purchase of land by those on <br /> fixed incomes. <br /> BRYAN R. YATES did not speak. <br /> HELEN H. YATES did not speak. <br /> ROBERT JABOSKIE did not speak. <br /> B. POPE did not speak. <br /> LESIA LITLE did not speak. <br /> JAMES SMITH, an Orange County resident, spoke in opposition of the two acre <br />