Orange County NC Website
e z <br /> 1 <br /> APPROVED 8/8/94 MINUTES <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> AND <br /> ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br /> JUNE 30, 1994 <br /> The Orange County Board of Commissioners and the Orange County Planning <br /> Board met on June 30, 1994 at 7:30 p.m. , in the new County Courthouse, Superior <br /> Courtroom, Hillsborough, North Carolina, for a Joint Public Hearing. <br /> COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Moses Carey, Jr., and Commissioners <br /> Stephen H. Halkiotis, Verla C. Insko, Don Willhoit and Alice Gordon (arrived at <br /> 8:30 p.m. ) <br /> COUNTY ATTORNEY PRESENT: Geoffrey Gledhill <br /> COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager John Link, Jr. , Planning Director <br /> Marvin Collins, Planner Mary Willis, Clerk to the Board Beverly Blythe, and <br /> Deputy Clerk to the Board Kathy Baker. <br /> ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Clint Burklin, Acting Chair, <br /> members Larry Reid, Sally Boericke, Elizabeth Walters, Virginia Boland, Margaret <br /> Brown, Paul Hoecke, Kent Scott and Joan Jobsis (arrived at 8:30) . <br /> A. OPEN REMARKS <br /> Chair Carey called the meeting to order and welcomed the Planning Board <br /> members and citizens in attendance. He indicated that Clint Burklin would <br /> preside over both of the items on the agenda. Speakers were asked to keep their <br /> comments to a maximum of three minutes. <br /> B. PUBLIC CHARGE <br /> Chair Carey read the Public Charge. <br /> C. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS <br /> 1. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment - AR/R1 Residential Zoning <br /> Districts (Two Acre Minimum Lot Size Requirement/Density Averaging) <br /> 2. Rural Character Preservation Strategies <br /> These items were presented by Marvin Collins in order to receive <br /> citizen comments on proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance which would <br /> establish a minimum required lot size of two acres throughout the county's <br /> planning and zoning jurisdiction and to receive citizen comments on rural <br /> character/open space preservation strategies and issues. <br /> THERE WERE NO QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR <br /> PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN FOR CITIZEN COMMENTS <br /> ROY BROCKWELL, an Orange County resident, indicated that he lived in one <br /> of the R-1 areas. His community has lots of approximately 1.2 acres. He stated <br /> that he is speaking on behalf of himself and most of his neighbors. They <br /> appreciate living close to urban services without losing the benefits of their <br /> rural community. This proposed change would affect 37% to 43% of the current <br /> land in Orange County. In his opinion, it is questionable that the two acre <br /> minimum lot size would ensure the protection of rural character in Orange County. <br /> He suggested that clustering might be a solution. He also asked for <br /> clarification as to whether he would be able to rebuild on his 1.2 acre lot in <br /> the event that his home was destroyed by fire. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit indicated that this proposal applies to land that has <br /> not yet been subdivided. He assured Mr. Brockwell that all lots of record would <br /> be protected under their original approval. He would be allowed to rebuild. <br /> KATHERINE NELSON indicated that she and her family operate a farm in <br />