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13b! <br /> <br />:~ <br />Discussion of this issue followed, during which Mz. Ccxnptgn, Board <br />of Education Chair, said the Board of Eduoation anticipated gradual re-- <br />novation of Star.~aaclc School o*^.ce the new school was built and Stanbadc's <br />c~.versian to an elementary sdiool. The Board of Education anticipataed <br />needing another elett~ntary school in the future.Various Board of Education.. <br />mfrs said they were asking the $225,000 to begin to acquire land and be- _- <br />gin planning- The Board of Education members (Messrs. Ccxnptcn, Keiu~edy <br />and Efland) said the Board of Educati.os~ felt it was "fiscally ; +^;-~?am~„~].ble" <br />to put money into Stanbadc in its present condition. <br />Following this discussion, the Board of Ccxm~i.ssianers took a short <br />break and, reconvened in approacimately ton minutes. <br />The Board began its first general work session by asking about ra- <br />Venues, travel/ traixung and motor pool. The Board requested travel/train- <br />ing inforn~ation of each department, asking who would travel and where, when. <br />The Finance Director said she would supply that information. The Board Hated <br />this line a.tem had grown a great deal. <br />The Board also requested the capital equigu?nt r~n,P;;t information <br />by each depastmcnt. -- <br />Commissioner Barnes said she was having a difficult time ca<nparing <br />the depaztmAnts' budgets; there were a numhor of changes isl this year's <br />budget which made such a comparisi.on difficult. <br />Commissioner Walker said he would like to add~n $225,OOD for the <br />p]_anning of a new school a8 ~+1PCted by the C~arxge Cbtmty Board of EC1- <br />ucation, Coinnissioner Wil]hoit indicated his desire tq eliminate the planned <br />elevator from the old Ccait~ttlouse; Commissioner G~.itted wished to add~n <br />$1, 700 to tt!e Rape Crisis Center. <br />After much discussion, Ccatnnissioner Gustaresc~ moved;, seconded by <br />Conmissianex Walker, to adjourn.Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. ~ m`eting <br />w~.s adjourned. <br />-_ <br />Anr~ Barnes, Chair • <br />Paulette Pridgpxi-Pond, Clerk <br />