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9 <br />systems. The revised fees still reflect full recovery of costs. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Gordon on how this <br />program will be implemented, John Link stated that the next step will be to <br />come back to the County Commissioners for approval of the rules and <br />operational procedures which will try to make it as straight forward as <br />possible. <br />A substitute motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by <br />Commissioner Gordon to approve option 1 for the DEH systems with the $55 and <br />$30 fee. <br />Commissioner Willhoit feels that people should be given the benefit <br />of the doubt and if the reports are not accurate to address that issue. He <br />remains in support of option one. In response to receiving copies of the <br />reports from DEM, Dan Reimer stated that the reports must be physically copied <br />in Raleigh. Commissioner Willhoit asked that copies of the reports be <br />obtained. <br />Chair Carey feels that the citizens should be given the benefit of <br />the doubt and that the ability to deal with the DEM will be based on what the <br />County does with the information they receive from DEM and the County's <br />involvement in the construction and design of these systems. He feels that <br />there should be an agreement with DEM to be sure the reports are received. <br />VOTE ON THE SUBSTITUTE MOTION (DEH Systems only): UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Chair Carey <br />to approve the Manager's recommendation for option 1 for the DEM systems. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Insko) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gordon to (1) request that the Board of Health and support staff develop a <br />Memorandum of Agreement with DEM which does not commit Orange County to <br />assuming unwanted DEM responsibilities but which will allow Health Department <br />staff to participate in (a) the review and approval process for DEM system <br />design and siting, (b) inspection/oversight of new system construction, (c) <br />periodic field inspection of system operations, (d) review of system <br />operational reports for indications of permit non-compliance, (e) instigation <br />of enforcement proceedings as necessary, (2) direct staff to develop local <br />rules, regulations, etc., that can implement financial surety strategy for <br />approval by the County Commissioners and (3) adopt the revised fee structure <br />for initial and follow-up system inspections. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. MEMBERSHIP IN UPPER NEUSE BASIN ASSOCIATION <br />On August 17, 1993, the County Commissioners gave its conceptual <br />support for addressing water quality concerns in the Falls Lake Watershed. <br />As a Corporate member, Orange County may appoint a member and an alternate to <br />the Association Board of Directors. Annual Association dues will be <br />established. <br />John Link recommended that Marvin Collins recommend a staff person <br />to attend the meetings as time permits. Commissioner Willhoit offered to <br />represent the County Commissioners on this Board and Commissioner Halkiotis <br />will serve as alternate. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br />Commissioner Insko to approve participation in the Upper Neuse Basin <br />