Orange County NC Website
7 <br />to assess the need for and evaluate the feasibility of a universal home <br />visiting program for families with newborns in Orange County subject to the <br />final review and approval of contract language by the County Attorney. <br />L. CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ORANGE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND THE UNC <br />SCHOOL OF PHARMACY <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign a contract with <br />the UNC School of Pharmacy to provide consultant pharmacy services which are <br />required by law in order for the Health Department to dispense prescription <br />medications to its patients, subject to final review and approval of contract <br />language by the County Attorney. <br />M. PUBLIC SCHOOL BIIILDING FUND APPLICATION <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the application <br />for $381,190 in Public School Building Capital Funds for the Chapel Hill High <br />School renovation project. <br />N. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE FOR SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 30, 1994 <br />Removed from the Consent Agenda and considered immediately <br />following the Consent Agenda. <br />O. PETITION FOR FEDERAL AND STATE SOLID WASTE FLOW CONTROL LEGISLATION <br />The Board approved the resolution as attached to these minutes on <br />pages This resolution urges the North Carolina General <br />Assembly and the United States Congress to adopt legislation facilitating <br />local government control of the flow of solid waste. <br />P. ORANGE COUNTY LANDFILL TIPPING FEES <br />The Board approved 1994-95 tipping fees of $26/ton for mixed solid <br />waste, $16/ton for ash and $5/ton for clean wood waste. NOTE: Carrboro Board <br />of Aldermen did not approve the increase in tipping fees so they were not <br />enacted for 1994-95. <br />Q_ PROCESS FOR SELECTING CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE INTEGRATED <br />SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT STUDY <br />Removed from the Consent Agenda and considered immediately <br />following the Consent Agenda. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS.. REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: <br />N. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE FOR SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 30, 1994 <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that her understanding was that the <br />rural character preservation strategies were going to be presented. It was <br />not her understanding that there would be proposed Zoning Ordinance <br />amendments. <br />Marvin Collins explained that the Zoning Ordinance text amendments <br />are related to the request from Commissioner Willhoit that the remaining 37$ <br />of the County be rezoned to a base density of one unit per two acres. This <br />37~ cannot be singled out because of the overlay districts. The density <br />average was added in case the Board wanted to include that on the agenda <br />because it was a point of discussion by the Board at their last meeting. <br />