Orange County NC Website
2 <br />IV. COUNTY MANAGERS REPORT <br />John Link reported that the grading and cleaning of the lot behind the <br />courthouse is complete. This will be a place for citizens to walk and enjoy <br />the outdoors. <br />O. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br />A. RESOLUTION IN SIIPPORT OF FAIR TREATMENT OF TOBACCO FARMERS <br />Chair Carey reviewed the three changes as proposed by Commissioner <br />Willhoit. They have been incorporated in the resolution as stated below. <br />Commissioner Insko said that she is in favor of keeping the farm <br />industry healthy in this country. However, everyone must recognize that this <br />is a transition time for farmers. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis stated that he and Chair Carey met with <br />farmers whose families grow tobacco for a living. He feels that government <br />must help farmers in this country before helping others in foreign lands. He <br />emphasized that the number one drug is alcohol which should be taxed as much <br />or more than tobacco. <br />Commissioner Insko stated she is very supportive of anything the <br />Board can do to support the transition process the tobacco farmers are in and <br />offered to write a letter in support of diversifying this revenue stream. She <br />will send a copy of this letter to Bill Breeze. <br />Commissioner Willhoit noted he would like to know what the efforts <br />are in terms of the Cooperative Extension Service in promoting horticulture <br />and farming that have a large return on small tracts of land. He questioned <br />the commitment of the tobacco industry to the farmer because tobacco is a 28 <br />billion dollar industry with farmers accounting for two billion of that <br />figure. The tobacco industry was importing tobacco from some of the third <br />world countries and doing other things that really undermines the farmer. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis to approve the resolution as amended and as stated <br />below: <br />ORANGE COUNTY RESOLUTION <br />IN SUPPORT OF FAIR <br />TREATMENT OF TOBACCO FARMERS <br />WHEREAS, efforts are now taking place in Washington, D.C. to increase the <br />federal tax on tobacco from 24 cents per package of cigarettes to <br />as much as $1.49 per package; and <br />WHEREAS, the President has proposed a health care reform plan that would be <br />partially financed through an increase of 75 cents per pack of <br />cigarettes; and <br />WHEREAS, no other commodity in our nation is taxed at this rate; and <br />WHEREAS, a 75 cent increase in the tax is expected to cause the loss of over <br />273,000 jobs and $8 billion in payroll nationwide; and <br />WHEREAS, 31,242 of these jobs and $689.6 million in payroll would be lost <br />in North Carolina alone; and <br />