Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Association in accordance with the resolution as stated below: <br />RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE INTERLOCAL <br />UPPER NEUSE RIVER BASIN ASSOCIATION, INC. <br />WHEREAS, Orange County is committed to the preservation and protection of <br />the present high quality of water in the Upper Neuse River Basin; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County recognizes the increasingly complex nature of water <br />quality management issues in the Upper River Neuse Basin; and <br />WHEREAS, the basic objective of the Upper Neuse River Basin Association is <br />to preserve the water quality of the Upper Neuse River Basin <br />through innovative and cost-effective pollution reduction <br />strategies by forming a coalition of units of local governments and <br />other public and private agencies, organizations, businesses and <br />individuals to pool financial resources and expertise; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County desires to cooperate with other local government <br />entities to improve the efficacy of pollution reduction strategies <br />and programs in the Upper Neuse River Basin. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />during its regular meeting on June 6, 1994 authorized Orange County <br />to participate as a member in full in the activities of the Upper <br />Neuse Basin Association effective June 7, 1994. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Moses Carey, Jr. is authorized to sign all <br />documents required for Orange County to participate as a member in <br />full in the Upper Neuse River Association. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. REVISED CIVIL RIGHTS ORDINANCE AND ACCOMPANYING RECOMMENDATIONS <br />FROM THE HIIMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION <br />Lucy Lewis presented for Board consideration of approval the <br />revised Civil Rights Ordinance which is based on comments received from Chapel <br />Hill and Carrboro public officials, legal staff and HUD. The Human Relations <br />Commission approved the revised Ordinance with one change. She made reference <br />to the definition of employer on page five and said that it has been revised <br />to clarify that all local governments are included. The County will develop <br />a referral arrangement with another agency to handle any discrimination <br />complaints from County employees. With reference to marital status, the Human <br />Relations Commission reviewed this section of the Ordinance based on the <br />request from the Carrboro Board of Aldermen and decided to leave this out at <br />this time. There is a case pending before the U.S. Supreme Court on the issue <br />of marital status and they wanted to wait the outcome of this case. On page <br />47 of the Ordinance, HUD suggested adding a provision stating that the <br />complainant and the respondent may elect to have a housing discrimination <br />complaint settled in a civil court with the Commission providing legal advice. <br />The Human Relations Commission strongly recommends that the intent of the <br />Ordinance be to provide for a less expensive process. They are currently <br />discussing this with HUD to reach an agreement. <br />The recommendations from the Human Relations Commission are (1) <br />approve the Ordinance and (2) approve a timetable with phase one beginning on <br />