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9 <br />Mary Willis explained the process that is followed by the Board of <br />Adjustment in considering a variance. The same process would be followed <br />except it will be approved by the staff instead of the Board of Adjustment. <br />Commissioner Gordon questioned if the Board of .Adjustment would <br />make the same findings as the staff. Also, she feels that each lot approved <br />is impacting negatively on the quality of Lake Orange. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill explained that the Board of Adjustment will <br />consider if the lot can be used for any other purpose. The variance power is <br />a constitutional safety valve which allows dimensional requirements to be <br />varied so that a piece of property can be used. What often happens is that <br />a developer will sell a lot and the owner of the lot then must apply for a <br />variance. There is no way to force a developer to resubmit a redesigned <br />subdivision. <br />Commissioner Gordon suggested limiting the number of bedrooms for <br />each dwelling so that less effluent is generated. <br />Chair Carey stated that the issue is whether the Board should <br />approve the reduction so this can be handled as a staff function or comply <br />with the current ordinance which means the owners would have to go to the <br />Board of Adjustment is order to get approval. <br />Commissioner Willhoit made reference to differentiating between the <br />different watersheds. Cane Creek is a primary source of water and Lake Orange <br />is secondary. He asked if they could differentiate on the basis of primary <br />and secondary supply. <br />Everett Billingsley suggested categorizing each reservoir as either <br />type "A" or type "B". A type "A" reservoir is one where water is drawn <br />directly while a type "B" reservoir is one where water is drawn indirectly <br />like Lake Orange. The type "~" reservoirs could then be exempted from this <br />regulation. <br />In answer to a question from Chair Carey on reducing the setback <br />from 300' to 200', Mary Willis said that it would help because there would be <br />some lots that would fall in that range. <br />The County Commissioners postponed this item for further discussion <br />and the possibility of incorporating into the watershed regulations the type <br />"A" and type "B" language. <br />C. NORTH CAROLINA STATE - COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARTNERSHIP ACT <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Chair Carey <br />to authorize the formation of a workgroup composed of a Commissioner from <br />Chatham and Orange Counties, the two County Managers, the two County Sheriffs, <br />the District Attorney, and the Executive Director of OPC Mental Health to <br />determine the feasibility and desirability of Chatham and Orange Counties <br />pursuing multi-county programs under the Act and to report to the respective <br />Boards within 45 days. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. PINEY MOONTAIN SUBDIVISION UTILITY SERVICE EXTENSION AGREEMENTS <br />The three agreements presented are related to the extension of <br />sewer service to the Piney Mountain Subdivision and are necessary to satisfy <br />local planning/utility extension concerns, State high unit cost construction <br />grant requirements and construction administration/short term construction <br />