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10 <br />financing requirements. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 19 of the agreement and <br />the three things that can terminate the agreement. She asked how long the <br />County would own the system. <br />Geoffrey Gledhill explained that when one of the three events <br />happens, the transfer will take place. <br />Julie Andresen feels that the grant has made things a lot more <br />complicated. She asked that additional time be allowed for the OWASA staff <br />to review the agreements. The OWASA Director has recommended that OWASA own <br />the failed system. <br />Commissioner Insko suggested that the Board go ahead and approve <br />these agreements. The County will temporarily own the system and if OWASA <br />wants to own the system, they can. If not, ownership can be given to the <br />Homeowners Association of that part of the system that OWASA does not want to <br />own. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by <br />Commissioner Insko to (a) approve each of the three agreements as submitted; <br />(b) authorize the Chair to sign the agreements when finalized; (c) authorize <br />the Chair, County Manager and County Attorney to devise modifications to the <br />agreements as necessary to secure accord among the other parties to the <br />agreements, with the proviso that the intent of the agreements will not be <br />modified without the approval of the Board of County Commissioners; and <br />authorize the execution of any additional collateral documents which don't <br />change the, intent of this item. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />E. REVISION TO THE FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACT WITH NORTH CHATHAM <br />VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to approve a revision to the contract amount for fire protection <br />that the North Chatham Volunteer Fire Department provides to Damascus and <br />Southern Triangle Fire Districts. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />X. REPORTS <br />A. COMMUNITY CHILD PROTECTION REPORT <br />Dr. John Turner, Chair of the Community Child Protection Team <br />(COPT), explained that the CCPT was established in accordance with Executive <br />Order #142 in September of 1991. The COPT is an interdisciplinary group of <br />community representatives who meet regularly to promote a community-wide <br />approach to the problem of child abuse and neglect. Team members work <br />together to identify gaps in services for abused and neglected children; to <br />advocate for needed resources where gaps and deficiencies exist and to <br />encourage system improvements. <br />He reported that child abuse cases have increased statewide. He <br />feels that if the problems are not addressed, this figure will keep. rising. <br />Child abuse has a serious consequence for people and for their pocketbooks. <br />He asked that the Board support their request in the budget for an additional <br />staff person and a secretary. <br />