Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Natural Resources have apparently determined that the use of grant funding to <br />provide financial assistance to the Piney Mountain home owners is appropriate. <br />The application deadline is March 31. If the Board finds something unaccept- <br />able between now and July 1, they do not have to accept the funds. <br />Geof Gledhill explained that the plan would be for the County to <br />own the project for a certain amount of time but to contract with OWASA to <br />build and operate the project. <br />Commissioner Gordon questioned the language used in the resolution <br />and John Link explained that this language is required by the State. He <br />emphasized that this resolution does not commit the County to accept the funds <br />-- only to make application for the funds. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Insko, Geof Gledhill <br />stated that the County will negotiate with the State on the County's <br />responsibility and adopt an amended resolution. If those negotiations does <br />not result in an agreement, the County would withdraw its application. It <br />will be understood that any cost not covered by the grant will be paid from <br />another source of funds. He will add a sentence to this resolution to reflect <br />this information. <br />Chair Carey asked to make it clear in the cover letter that there <br />are certain points to be negotiated before the County will accept the grant. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the lawsuit filed by 30 of the <br />property owners in the Piney Mountain Subdivision against DEM and was told <br />that it may be six years before that lawsuit is heard. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated her support for this resolution if (1) <br />all the costs are covered and (2) consideration be given of hiring someone to <br />do the work rather than add work to the County staff. <br />John Link noted that the cover letter will include these points. <br />Allen Whitaker who lives in the Piney Mountain Subdivision stated <br />that the grant and the lawsuit are two different things. The entire cost of <br />the system will be $600,000 to $700,000. He asked that the Board approve the <br />resolution applying for the grant. <br />It was decided that the details of the grant would be presented at <br />a later date as an agenda item. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by <br />Commissioner Insko, to approve and authorize the Chair to sign the resolution <br />as stated below authorizing the submission of a grant application for <br />construction of a sewer pumping station and force main for Piney Mountain <br />Subdivision. <br />RESOLUTION BY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE <br />WHEREAS: The North Carolina Clean Water Revolving Loan and Grant Act of 1987 <br />has authorized the making of grants to aid eligible units of <br />government in financing the cost of construction of wastewater <br />systems, and <br />WHEREAS: The County of Orange recognizes the need to replace the failing on- <br />site ground absorption waste treatment system currently serving the <br />Piney Mountain subdivision and intends to see constructed a <br />wastewater transmission system, consisting of a sewer pumping <br />station and approximately one mile of sewer force main, which will <br />connect the existing waste water collection system serving the Piney <br />