Orange County NC Website
.~ <br />10 <br />Partnership: Invite cooperation and unify efforts between governments, <br />business, nonprofit organizations, environmentalists,citizens and others to <br />address interdependence. <br />Stewardship: Balance resource use and conservation between present and future <br />generations so that future generations are not compromised. <br />Diversity: Maintain diverse biological, economic, and social systems. <br />Prevention: Anticipate and prevent social, economic and environmental <br />problems rather than attempt to solve them after the fact. <br />Equity: Ensure all community members equal opportunities to contribute to the <br />economy, enjoy the environment and participate in decisions that affect them. <br />Responsibility: Ask all community members to take responsibility for <br />sustaining their community, and environment. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. OVERVIEW OF ARTSCENTER'S CAPITAL CAMPAIGN <br />Fred Good said that the ArtsCenter will embark on a major <br />fundraising campaign in an effort to purchase the building in which they are <br />located. They have asked a major foundation to up-front $300,000 for the <br />purchase of the building. They will then ask the Towns of Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro and Orange County to enter into a service contract with the <br />ArtsCenter. The funds received for the services provided will be used to <br />repay the initial investment by the foundation. They are asking $20,000 from <br />Orange County. He asked for the County Commissioners' support for their plan <br />to purchase the facility. <br />John Link stated that he supports their effort. Commissioner <br />Willhoit said he liked the plan and hopes the County can participate. <br />XI. APPOINTMENTS - NONE <br />XII. MINUTES - NONE <br />XIII. E%ECUTIVB SESSION - CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gordon to go into executive session for the purpose of consulting with the <br />attorney. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Chair Carey <br />to reconvene into regular session. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />XIV. ADJOURNMENT <br />With no further items for the Board's consideration, Chair Carey <br />adjourned the meeting. The next regular meeting will be held on April 4, 1994 <br />at 5:30 p.m. at the Pleasant Green .Community Building in Eno Township. <br />Moses Carey, Jr., Chair <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk <br />