RES-2010-026 Resolution denying Property Tax Release/Refunds
Board of County Commissioners
RES-2010-026 Resolution denying Property Tax Release/Refunds
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Last modified
2/22/2019 2:21:05 PM
Creation date
4/7/2010 11:19:12 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
Agenda - 04-06-2010 - 4f
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 04-06-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Minutes 04-06-2010
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7 <br /> Refund Request: Taxpayer is requesting a refiind because the area above his garage was taxed as <br /> finished and only are small area is finished. The area above the garage does in fact exist and has <br /> not been taxed twice. This does not constitute a clerical error,an illegal tax or a tax for an illegal <br /> purpose. <br /> Based on the infoirnation you provided one on the following requests for refund, I concur with your <br /> recommendation that the following taxpayers have asserted a valid defense to the enforcement of the <br /> collection of the tax assessed on their property: <br /> 1. TMBL: 7.126.D.33 <br /> Owner: William Stoneeypher <br /> Refyind Request; Taxpayer is requesting a refund for an, overestimation of square footage <br /> Involving the second and third floor. The existing'third floor is finished and being taxed for a <br /> larger square footage than actually exists. The third floor actually exists and is not been taxed <br /> twice.This is not a clerical error,an illegal tax or a tax for an illegal purpose. <br /> Two areas are taxed as two stories when the areas are actually one story(the second stay does not <br /> exist). This would constitute an illegal tax because the second story area does not exist. <br /> 2. TMBL: 7,109M..79 <br /> Owner: Jocelyn Leigh <br /> Refund Request: Taxpayer is requesting a refund for an existing third floor taxed as finished but it <br /> is not finished. The third floor does exist and is not taxed twice. This is not a clerical error, an <br /> illegal tax or a tax for an illegal purpose. <br /> The taxpayer was also taxed for a fourth floor that does not exist. The fourth floor does not exist <br /> and would constitute an illegal tax. <br /> 3. TMBL: 7.126K..I <br /> Owner: Duddles Trust <br /> Refund Re uest: The taxpayer is requesting a refund of a second floor area that was taxed as an <br /> entire second floor but which the majority of the floor is only one story. The majority of the area <br /> taxed does not exist and this could be considered an illegal tax. <br /> Please let me know if you have any additional question. <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br />
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