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9 <br />thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. <br />Section 8. That this Resolution shall become effective on the date of <br />its adoption. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />B. WATERSHED PROTECTION STANDARDS AND ZONING OF LITTLE RIVER AND CEDAR <br />GROVE TOWNSHIPS <br />Marvin Collins presented for Board consideration proposed <br />amendments to the Orange County Zoning Atlas, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision <br />Regulations and Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the purpose of <br />extending zoning to Little River and Cedar Grove Townships and implementing <br />State mandated watershed protection standards. <br />Chair Carey suggested considering the watersheds separately and <br />approving them one by one. <br />Marvin Collins summarized each watershed noting the minimum lot <br />size and also the allowable impervious surface. He also made reference to a <br />chart which lists the specific district and the minimum stream buffer width. <br />Marvin Collins pointed out that in the University Lake watershed, <br />the same requirement applies for non-residential and residential development. <br />For the critical areas of Cane Creek, they recommend 6$ Impervious Surface <br />Ratio. For the non-critical areas they recommend 70$/5$ (5$ of the watershed <br />can be developed at 70$ impervious surface ratio). In the Upper Eno critical <br />area, they recommend 70$/5$ He continued listing these as in the agenda <br />abstract. <br />Allen Spalt asked the Board to adopt more stringent standards than <br />what the State has set as the minimum. <br />Julie Andresen asked that the vote be delayed to allow additional <br />time for input from the Chapel Hill Town Council. <br />Patrick Mulkey, Chair of the Bingham TAC, spoke in support of the <br />recommendation until additional concrete data is available. <br />Melva Okun asked that the County Commissioners set an interim <br />standard and when the study is complete for Cane Creek set the permanent <br />standards. She encouraged the Board to set stricter standards and then loosen <br />up after the study is completed. <br />Randy Danziger lives in the University Lake Watershed and asked <br />that the Board adopt something that would be more conservative. He asked to <br />have the percentages done in terms of acres. <br />Barry Jacobs supports the more conservative approach in the <br />interim. <br />Marvin Collins clarified that once these regulations are put in <br />place, it is not hard to change them as long as the changes stay within the <br />state guidelines. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested that the Board talk about the Cane <br />Creek watershed first. He noted that at the conclusion of the CDM study of <br />University Lake watershed, he attended an OWASA budget public hearing, <br />representing the position of the Board of Commissioners, and specifically <br />asked that they include funds in their budget for a technical study of the <br />Cane Creek watershed. OWASA chose to delay the study until this year. He <br />said there is no "crisis" and is not in favor of the interim 5 acre <br />restriction proposed by OWASA. He feels the 6$ Impervious Surface Ratio <br />throughout Cane Creek watershed is appropriate. The two acres at 6$ with a <br />