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5 <br />the unincorporated areas of Orange County and provided an overview of <br />limitations on the County's ability to regulate in this area. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Insko, Planner Mary <br />Willis stated that a home occupation permit allows retail sales of goods that <br />are produced on the premises. Therefore, the sale of firearms from a <br />residence is not permitted even with an ATF license. Some people have <br />licenses to trade guns or to repair guns. A home occupational permit does <br />allow for incidental sales. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked about the disposition of seized <br />weapons in this County and Geof Gledhill indicated he would report back on <br />this question. <br />Commissioner Insko indicated she wants to study the issue of <br />regulating firearms further before making a determination as to what can be <br />done. <br />Chair Carey stated he would add this item to the agenda for the <br />December 11, 1993 retreat. This may be an issue that the County and <br />Municipalities can work on together. <br />C. NORTHERN HIIMAN SERVICES CENTER WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM (considered <br />at the end of the meeting before Board Comments) <br />It was found in late October that the Northern Human Services <br />Center was being provided sewer service by means of a sand filter treatment <br />system which was discharging low quality waste effluent into the east fork of <br />the Eno River. This system was not permitted by DEM. To correct the problem, <br />County staff proposes to eliminate the discharge to the Eno by plugging the <br />discharge line in the existing septic tank, pumping out the septic tank and <br />transporting the waste to Efland where it will be discharged into the Efland <br />sewer system. County staff have also developed a preliminary design for an <br />on-site non-discharging ground absorption waste treatment system as an <br />alternative to permanently closing the facility or acquiring and developing <br />an off-site treatment capability. The estimated cost of implementing on-site <br />treatment is approximately $35,000. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis to authorize the expenditure of budgeted and available <br />capital improvement funds to develop the on-site waste treatment capacity. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGOLAR AGENDA <br />A. SWIMMING POOL FINANCING <br />John Link presented- for Board consideration of approval a <br />resolution approving a Facilities/Services Agreement, and related documents, <br />between Orange County and the Orange County Community Activity Corporation. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Insko, Geoffrey Gledhill <br />stated that if the corporation defaults on the bonds, the trustees will find <br />a new operator and the County would be considered. <br />Mr. Kidd assured Commissioner Insko that people from the various <br />recreation boards and jurisdictions would be on the committee. He would like <br />for the County Commissioners to appoint 3 members now so they can start making <br />some of the critical decisions that need to be made and then expand that <br />