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10 <br />sliding scale for existing lots less than two acres would be appropriate. He <br />feels the 70$/5$ is excessive. He suggested that non-residential uses when <br />otherwise permitted by the Orange County Zoning Ordinance and Land Use Plan <br />be limited to a 12$ Impervious Ratio. Stormwater runoff from fueling and <br />parking areas shall be discharged onto an infiltration area of sufficient size <br />to contain the first one inch of runoff from Stormwater. He does not feel <br />that a BMP provision should be included at this time. Another provision is <br />that if there are going to be commercial nodes for convenience, they should <br />contain a convenience center. Within each watershed, he would like to see one <br />recycling/reuse collection center and one fire station subject to the two acre <br />minimum lot size and a maximum 50~ Impervious Surface Ratio and stormwater <br />runoff should be discharged onto an infiltration system. Another issue that <br />needs to be determined is whether or not churches are non-residential. He <br />would apply 50$ Impervious Surface Ratio with runoff onto an infiltration area <br />instead of directly into a storm channel. He would scrap the 70~ and make <br />the maximum 50$ for three types of uses - churches, solid waste convenience <br />centers and fire stations. <br />Chair Carey stated that any standards they adopt will be interim <br />standards until the technical study is completed for Cane Creek. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that the thing that threatens the Cane <br />Creek Watershed is nonresidential. Of the 14.6 acre node, only 10 acres could <br />be developed. She feels that commercial development needs to be limited. <br />This could be done by changing the Land Use Plan to allow this nonresidential <br />development but is something the Board does not need to do. <br />Because there were more specifics to discuss than time would allow, <br />Chair Carey asked the staff to bring back at the next meeting a clean copy of <br />specific information on each watershed and to include the proposal made by <br />Commissioner Willhoit as an option. <br />C. CP-3-93 BOBBY RIRR, SR. AND JR. <br />This item was postponed until the next meeting. <br />D. PROPOSAL TO FIIND AN ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER POSITION <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br />Commissioner Insko to approve the Animal Control Officer position as <br />presented, the new fee schedule of $5.00 for a sterile dog or cat and $10.00 <br />for an unsterile dog or cat and to impose the penalties as presented in the <br />agenda immediately. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Halkiotis) <br />E. SADDLE CLIIH ROAD SOLID WASTB BITE LEASE <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Willhoit to approve the Saddle Club Road lease concept, authorize the staff <br />and County Attorney to prepare the lease document and authorize the Chair to <br />sign. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />IX. BOARD COMMENTS - made on page one <br />X. COIINTY MANAGER'S REPORT - NONE <br />