Minutes - 19931004
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19931004
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Last modified
4/6/2010 4:43:12 PM
Creation date
4/6/2010 4:43:10 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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8 <br />Commissioner Halkiotis expressed a concern with identifying outdoor <br />privies since people are afraid of doing anything because they feel their home <br />status will be terminated because they are tenant farmers and afraid the owner <br />will put them out rather than correct the situation. Also, the Health <br />Department would condemn the property because they don't have an acceptable <br />waste treatment system. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested putting money into correcting these <br />as they are identified. Tara Fikes explained that the problem in utilizing <br />federal funds is that the housing rehabilitation program includes not only the <br />treatment of the outhouses but also comprehensive treatment of the dwelling <br />itself. The problem is that where the dwelling is so severely dilapidated it <br />is not cost effective to repair the dwelling and a bathroom and add a septic <br />system and well. There are funds available that could target the individual <br />house. The people who have no systems or failing systems will receive <br />priority. The problem is that some homes don't have large enough lots that <br />will hold a system and are not close enough to a public system to be connected. <br />They are now working on three houses with no indoor plumbing and 6 or 7 with <br />failing systems that will be connected to public systems. <br />Commissioner Willhoit noted that the census data identified 279 that <br />can be located and there is no reason to identified others until these 279 can <br />be corrected. Tara Fikes clarified that they are not sure where these 279 are <br />located. <br />After the Board discussed the information in the report they <br />determined that the first thing they need to do is identify the houses that <br />have outdoor privies. Commissioner Willhoit and Halkiotis suggested contacting <br />other agencies like JOCCA, DSS, schools, home health care workers, etc. to find <br />out where these outdoor privies are located. John Link suggested and the Board <br />agreed that he bring back to the Board a resolution which indicates that the <br />Board is extremely concerned about this issue and wants to solve the problem <br />in a positive way instead of doing a survey that could have implications of <br />negative things happening. This resolution will then be distributed to <br />agencies who may be able to help in identification. <br />C. REPORT ON WASTEWATER TREATMENT OVERSIGHT PROGRAM FEES <br />This item is in response to questions the County Commissioners had <br />at the last meeting about how fees are determined for the Wastewater Treatment <br />Oversight Program. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis questioned the cost of $100.00 for each <br />inspection. Sally Kost explained that this includes one initial inspection and <br />one reinspection. He has a problem in justifying this fee. <br />Commissioner Insko noted that the County is charging a flat fee and <br />not a differential fee. This helps the citizen in understanding the cost. <br />Commissioner Gordon stated that they had originally thought about <br />charging an hourly rate for each type of system but staff prefers one flat fee <br />which means that even though it takes one hour for one type and four hours for <br />another type, the cost is the same. It is a problem and she is open for <br />suggestions. <br />Commissioner Insko stated a concern that the citizens will perceive <br />this fee as unfair even if it only recaptures the cost. <br />John Link stated that it is difficult to pursue differential fees <br />at the beginning of a new program when there is no history on which to base <br />
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