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<br />fight. Sustainability in regard to the balancing of all of these components is <br />also necessary. Clarity about our urban areas and what they will be like needs <br />to exist. We must educate the public regarding high density, infill and mixed <br />use. All of these terms have undeserved negative connotations in Orange County. <br />Lastly, movement systems are necessary for a healthy, vibrant future community. <br />The remaining panelists added the following to the list of concerns: <br />*rezoning needs to be enabling rather than defensive. <br />*future development must include the participation of all of the people <br />involved. <br />*stamina and empathy are necessary ingredients of consensus building. <br />*commitment to the "process". <br />*remember the regional perspective. Involve the state. <br />*include planning for economic growth. <br />*rural residents, both farmers and non-farmers, need to be heard. <br />*watershed protection/funding by state. <br />*reach consensus between tax base and economic development prior to <br />decisions been made. <br />It was suggested that the "Shaping Orange County Steering Committee" which <br />was established by the Public Private Partnership, could be used to help reach <br />consensus on a county-wide vision. Sallee Jesse Brown stated that the first <br />subcommittee meeting will be October 28th. The meeting will be open to the <br />public and all comments are welcome. The first meeting will focus on the <br />Steering Committee's vision. <br />There being no further comments the meeting was adjourned. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Kathleen Baker <br />Deputy Clerk to the Board <br />5 <br />