Minutes - 19930914
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19930914
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/6/2010 4:12:07 PM
Creation date
4/6/2010 4:12:05 PM
Meeting Type
Special Meeting
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4 <br />Council member Capowski asked if the school systems would be covered. <br />Gledhill indicated that he was reasonably certain that they were not <br />considered subdivisions of the State and therefore would be covered. He <br />indicated that he would research this issue to determine if this is a <br />correct interpretation. <br />Lewis indicated that if someone had a complaint the first step would be <br />to contact the Commission. At that time they could fill out a form which <br />would empower the Human Relations Commission's staff to perform an initial <br />investigation. Normally, informal mediation would resolve the situation; <br />however, if that is not successful, both parties would be encouraged to <br />sit down in an attempt to mediate the problem. Many cases are resolved <br />at this level. If that process was not successful then it would go <br />forward to the panel. Conciliation would again be attempted. New Hanover <br />has had only 10 cases that have gone past this stage in the last 13 years. <br />If the County adopts this Ordinance it would be with the hope that the <br />municipalities would hold similar Public Hearings and adopt the same <br />Ordinance. <br />Carrboro Board member Jacquelyn Gist complimented the Commission on the <br />work they have done. She asked that the section pertaining to words be <br />dropped because she feels that this is not enforceable. She expressed <br />disappointment that the sexual orientation section was deleted. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN FOR CITIZEN QUESTIONS: <br />George Chockley, a Cedar Grove resident, asked if the proposed Ordinance <br />would protect only people over 40. Gledhill indicated that federal laws <br />target those 40 years old and over as a protected class. <br />In response to a question from an unidentified citizen, Mark Sheridan <br />indicated that the Commission will have subpoena power, however, they will <br />not be empowered to add anything to the Ordinance. The State Legislature <br />must pass enabling Legislation in order to add protected classes. <br />Richard Hammer asked how many of the 150 employers with over 15 employees <br />were located within the municipalities. Lewis indicated that most of them <br />were within the city limits. <br />Victor Tripp questioned why the County is exempt from this Ordinance and <br />not from any other County Ordinances. Commissioner Carey indicated that <br />it is a practical problem of policing. County employees have other <br />avenues of protection available to them. <br />Billy Smith indicated that he opposed the use of County tax money for an <br />Ordinance that will not apply within the municipalities. <br />Josephine Barber, an Orange Count resident, asked for a complete <br />accounting of the cost of staffing this Commission as it currently <br />operates. She also asked for a proposed budget assuming that the <br />Ordinance passed, including how many people would be employed. She also <br />requested an accounting of where the money would come from. <br />
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