Minutes - 19930907
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19930907
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Last modified
4/6/2010 4:09:15 PM
Creation date
4/6/2010 4:09:13 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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9 <br />the animal cannot be removed from the premisses. Mr. Coley is taking his bear <br />to school and church. Section 3 of the ordinance prohibits breeding or <br />selling this animal. A Himalayan bear is no pet. It belongs in a bear <br />sanctuary where true experts can take proper care of the animal. He located <br />a sanctuary called "Wildlife Images Rehabilitation and Education Center in <br />Oregon which is a magnificent place where animals of this kind are taken. He <br />urged the Board not to grant a license to Mr. Coley and he hopes the animal <br />can be transferred to such a sanctuary for the best interest of all concerned. <br />Dr. Mike Blyman stated that for over fifty years he has been <br />working in animal rescue and rehabilitation. He worked with Orange County <br />when they enacted the Wild Animal Control Ordinance. The law came about <br />because of the escape of sixteen large and dangerous animals in Orange and <br />Chatham Counties. He told of the regulations for the cage and the reasons for <br />such regulations. He had an Himalayan bear for 4-3/4 years. He loved this <br />bear which did not attack him until it was 4 years old. The Buffalo Ranch <br />will buy and sell anything they can get away with. He loves bears but when <br />they are full grown they can break the back of a wild buffalo of 2400 pounds <br />and up. They are responsible for more deaths of human beings than any other <br />bear. He emphasized that this bear is his favorite species of bear. They are <br />clever about escaping because of their incredible strength. This species will <br />disappear. He noted that he cannot take responsibility for working with this <br />species except in cases of rescue because he cannot provide the protection <br />that is necessary. He has a cage that meets the standards for Chatham and <br />Orange County. He offered to take the bear. He has nothing against it going <br />to the sanctuary in Oregon. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis thanked Dr. Blyman for educating him on the <br />growth process that takes place and what the bear is capable of doing as it <br />gets older. He asked Dr. Blyman to talk with Mr. Coley to let him know what <br />may happen as the bears gets older. He knows that Mr. Coley does not want <br />anything to happen to anyone because of his bear. <br />Mr. Coley is not sure if he has the right to give the bear away or <br />put it in a sanctuary since he is just keeping the bear for a friend. He <br />agreed that he should not keep the bear. However, he feels that it will <br />probably have to go back to Charlotte unless he pays for the bear. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis emphasized to Mr. Coley that it would be in the best <br />interest for the bear not to go back into the breeding cycle. <br />Chair Carey noted that the Board's authority does not include what <br />will happen to the bear. In order to enforce the Ordinance, the County needs <br />help from the citizens in reporting violations. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by <br />Commissioner Gordon to not grant an exemption to the Ordinance for Mr. Coley <br />and that Mr. Coley remove the animal from Orange County by October 7, 1993. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Commissioner Insko noted that something needs to be done statewide <br />about the breeding of dangerous animals. <br />B. DRAFT INTERLOCAL COLLECTION AGREEMENT FOR ORANGE COtTNTY EDIICATIONAL <br />FACILITIES IMPACT FEES <br />On June 7, 1993, the County Commissioners adopted the Orange County <br />
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