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10 <br />Educational Facilities Impact Fee Ordinance. The ordinance became effective <br />on July 1, 1993 and applies, with certain exceptions, only to residential <br />dwelling units for which building permits are issued on or after that date. <br />Section 5.B., Responsibility for Fee Collection, provides for the collection <br />of fees through an interlocal agreement between Orange County and a <br />municipality located therein. Where such an interlocal agreement is in <br />effect, the municipality must remit the fees to Orange County as provided in <br />the agreement, including a report of the amount of funds collected and the <br />benefit area from which the fees were collected. Upon receipt, the County <br />shall deposit the fees in the appropriate trust fund. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Chair Carey <br />to approve in principle the draft impact fee collection agreement and <br />authorize the Administration to forward the draft agreement to the <br />municipalities for consideration. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE TE]CT AMENDMENT - IMPERVIOIIS SIIRFACE <br />REGIILATED <br />This Zoning Ordinance text amendment would permit property owners <br />to satisfy impervious surface ratios in protected watersheds through provision <br />of a perpetual conservation easement on adjoining property. At its August 16, <br />1993 meeting, the Planning Board approved the proposal as presented at the <br />public hearing in May. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked if it would be possible for OWASA to <br />grant a conservation easement for land to be used for a fire station. Mr. <br />Collins indicated that it would have to be adjacent to the property but does <br />not have to be in the same ownership. One rationale for wanting it to be <br />adjacent was the issue of runoff. The other rationale for the adjacency was <br />administrative in nature. He suggested changing the wording to indicate that <br />the property would have to be in the same watershed. After a lengthy <br />discussion on this item, the Board decided to approve the Administration's <br />recommendation. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gordon to approve the proposed amendment per the Planning Board <br />recommendation. VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />ADDED ITEM <br />D. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE IINIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT <br />CHAPEL HILL AND ORANGE COrtTNTY FOR JOINT AND COOPERATIVE <br />ARRANGEMENTS FOR SECIIRITY AND THE PROVISION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT <br />PERSONNEL AT CERTAIN MAJOR IINIVERSITY EVENTS <br />John Link clarified that this will not cost the County anything. <br />All expenses will be reimbursed to the County. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis stated that the Sheriff Deputies have <br />equipment in their vehicles that they will need. He questioned why Chapel <br />Hill is no longer providing this service. He feels the University should <br />contribute to a vehicle replacement fund. This contract will provide the <br />deputies a way to make extra money. He has no problem with this contract if <br />the University will contribute to a vehicle replacement fund. <br />John Link noted that the recommendation is that the agreement be <br />effective September 1, 1993 provided satisfactory arrangements are made for <br />either: (1) the reimbursement to the County for the use of any County <br />