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9 <br /> side of Old NC86 north of Homestead Road. The property consists of all or <br /> part of seven parcels totaling approximately 264 acres. The property is <br /> currently zoned R-R, which allows a density of up to 1 dwelling unit per acre. <br /> The proposed zoning is R-20, which allows a density of up to 2 . 1 dwelling <br /> units per acre. The project itself will be approved by the Town of Carrboro <br /> through their Special Use process. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit noted that the rezoning would set a good <br /> precedent for the area, since the Land Use Plan would have allowed for <br /> significantly greater densities than 2.1 units per acre. Commissioner Insko <br /> stated that she had seen plans for the development of Lake Hogan Farm and that <br /> they appeared to be a good use of the land. Commissioner Gordon said that <br /> there were public health and safety reasons for not granting the rezoning at <br /> this time. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Chair Carey to <br /> approve the proposed rezoning. <br /> VOTE: AYES, 4; NOS, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br /> B. ORANGE COUNTY ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT - Z-3-93 VIRGINIA POLLITZER <br /> Mary Willis presented for the Board's consideration a rezoning <br /> request for property owned by Virginia Pollitzer. The area to be rezoned is <br /> located about 1/3 mile south of Homestead Road and about 1/2 mile east of Old <br /> NC 86 in the Calvander community. The property consists of two parcels <br /> totaling 16 acres and is currently zoned R-20, which allows a density of up <br /> to 2 . 1 dwelling units per acre. The proposed zoning is R-15 which allows a <br /> density of up to 2.9 dwelling units per acre. The Carrboro Board of Aldermen <br /> approved the rezoning request on May 25, 1993 . <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Willhoit to approve the proposed rezoning as presented. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> C. SMOKING ORDINANCE <br /> John Link presented for the Board's consideration of adoption a <br /> proposed Smoking Ordinance. This ordinance would prohibit smoking in <br /> buildings owned by or leased to Orange County Government and motor vehicles <br /> owned or leased to Orange County. <br /> After a brief discussion, it was decided that the Manager will work <br /> with the Sheriff to provide a smoke free environment for those prisoners who <br /> do not smoke. Also, banning smoking in county vehicles will be reconsidered <br /> to permit smoking for those deputies traveling alone. <br /> The Board asked for a list of designated smoking areas in each <br /> County facility. <br /> Register of Deeds Betty June Hayes stated that the policy is far <br /> too restrictive and asked that smoking areas be designated in each building <br /> for those employees who smoke. She does not feel that County employees should <br /> have to leave the building to smoke. <br /> Nick Nichols of the Sheriff's Department noted that there are a lot <br /> of health hazards in addition to that of smoking. He asked that there be <br /> designated smoking areas in each building that has adequate ventilation <br /> systems. <br /> This proposed ordinance will be on the next agenda for <br /> consideration of adoption. The Board will decide at that time the extent they <br /> want to go to create a designated area in each building for smoking and the <br />