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10 <br /> taken in late summer or early fall with an anticipated construction <br /> commencement date in the fall of 1993. A twelve-month completion time has <br /> been indicated by the architect. <br /> C. UPDATE ON THE WIDENING OF I-85 AND CLOSING OF ACCESS BETWEEN WEST <br /> TEN ROAD AND BEN JOHNSTON ROAD <br /> Planner Gene Bell gave background information on this item. He <br /> made reference to a letter received from the North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation in which they support 4-foot shoulders on West Ten Road. The <br /> Board asked that a request be made for a strip on the road to designate the <br /> bike lane. <br /> VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br /> A. 1993-94 BUDGET, CAPITAL AND GRANT PROJECT ORDINANCES <br /> Commissioner Gordon indicated she supports the budget as decided <br /> at their last budget meeting. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis stated he opposed the merit system as it <br /> currently exists and would like to delete it from the proposed budget saving <br /> $185,000. <br /> Commissioner Insko would like to cut 1/2 cent from the property tax <br /> rate. She proposed setting the per pupil rate at $1, 355, delay positions <br /> which will save $40,000 and delete $74,931 from the County's C.I.P. <br /> appropriation. This would set the tax rate at 83 . 1 cents. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit suggested reducing the merit by taking 1/4% <br /> from each step, decrease the per pupil by $10. 00 and cut $100, 000 from the <br /> County's C.I.P. appropriation. <br /> Chair Carey noted that there would be a tax increase next year <br /> because of the bond and there would also be increased operational costs for <br /> the new schools coming on line. He agrees with what was decided at their last <br /> budget session. He does not support tinkering with the merit plan at this <br /> time. This could be a topic for discussion at a later meeting. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis supports the allocation for the schools. <br /> Significant impacts need to be made for the kids. When the citizens voted for <br /> the bond, they knew their taxes would be increased. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit asked that a work session be scheduled with <br /> the schools. He feels that the funding must level off at some point. <br /> Commissioner Insko noted that the real successful schools are the <br /> ones that are restructuring and not the ones that are spending more money. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Insko to approve the 1993-94 Orange County Budget Ordinance, Grant Project <br /> Ordinances and Capital Project Ordinances as attached to these minutes on <br /> pages <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Gordon to approve the Salary Schedule, the Classification and Pay Plan and <br /> Revisions to Orange County Fees as indicated on pages of these <br /> minutes. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> B. CONTRACT APPROVAL - SOUTHERN HUMAN SERVICES BUILDING DESIGN <br /> SERVICES <br /> John Link commended the Planning Committee for their work and <br />