Minutes - 19930415
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19930415
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Last modified
8/17/2017 11:40:35 AM
Creation date
4/6/2010 2:37:51 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Agenda - 04-15-1993 - Agenda
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5 <br /> Aldermen to plan for the future development of the transition area. Ms. <br /> Nussbaumer asked that the SAPWG be included in this planning process. <br /> Carol Ann Greenslade, a member of the SAPWG, stated that this Work <br /> Group needs to be allowed to execute the charge given to them. She <br /> requested that a moratorium be placed on all rezoning requests in the T1 <br /> and T2 area. She felt that the applicant's request has been made solely <br /> for financial gain and does not take other important issues into account. <br /> Bud Varden reviewed the legal criteria for requesting and granting <br /> rezoning applications. Mr. Vaden asked that the financial gains of a few <br /> citizens not be allowed to outweigh the good of the community as a whole. <br /> Carol Miller spoke in opposition to this rezoning request citing <br /> increased density and adverse impacts on Seawell Elementary School. <br /> Doris Kaneklides voiced opposition to this rezoning request because <br /> of problems created by water runoff. <br /> Stephen Dear spoke in opposition to this request. He mentioned its <br /> negative impact on traffic flow, the school system, and wildlife. He <br /> requested that an environmental impact study be completed prior to any <br /> further action. <br /> Sidney Harrell voiced opposition to the rezoning request citing <br /> traffic impact and stormwater runoff. He asked that a comprehensive storm <br /> water model be developed for the Bolin Creek Watershed with particular <br /> emphasis on the T1 Transition area. <br /> Chuck Mosher voiced opposition to the rezoning request citing the <br /> negative impact on the land and the destruction of wildlife habitat. <br /> Steve Davis read a letter from H. Trawick Ward which opposed the <br /> rezoning request because of the increase in traffic as well as the <br /> increase in the number of school age children. He commented that this <br /> proposal would have a negative impact on the environment and would destroy <br /> or disturb archeological material. <br /> Tree Moore voiced opposition to the rezoning request because of the <br /> impact on the environment, traffic, schools, and the negative impact of <br /> higher density on property value. Mr. Moore indicated that he believes <br /> this request is solely for the financial gain of the applicants. <br /> Jean Worth read a letter from Maggie Grace voicing opposition to the <br /> rezoning request. <br /> Lynn Jaffe voiced opposition due to negative impact on the <br /> surrounding property owners. She asked that the SAPWG be given an <br /> opportunity to carry out its charge before further rezoning requests are <br /> granted which would be out of sync with the Carrboro 2000 Task Force <br /> Report. <br />
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