Orange County NC Website
i <br /> 5 <br /> �I <br /> VII. REPORTS <br /> A. REPORTS TO THE COMMUNITY <br /> 1. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ELEMENT FOR LITTLE RIVER TOWNSHIP <br /> Planning Director Marvin Collins presented specific information <br /> on Little River Township. He stated that Little River is the fastest growing <br /> township in the County growing 4% between 1980 and 1990 which is twice as fast <br /> as any other township in the county. Between 1980 and 1990 the population <br /> increased from 1500 to 2200. Mr. Collins explained the Comprehensive Plan <br /> Element for Little River Township and stated that all counties must adopt <br /> watershed standards by January, 1994. All of Little River is in Durhamfs <br /> watershed. Township meetings will be held to further explain the impact of <br /> these watershed regulations and zoning. <br /> 2. ORANGE COUNTY BUDGET - MAJOR REVENUE AND EXPENSE COMPONENTS <br /> Budget Director Sally Kost gave a brief overview of the county <br /> budget -- where the revenue comes from and where it goes. <br /> 3. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT - RURAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND <br /> LANDFILL SITE SEARCH PROCESS <br /> Public Works Director Wilbert McAdoo presented information on <br /> the landfill site search process and where the County is in that search plus <br /> information on what is proposed for the solid waste collection sites in Little <br /> River Township. <br /> 4. PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUES <br /> Sheriff Lindy Pendergrass gave statistics about crime in the <br /> Little River area stating that it is the lowest in Orange County. He was <br /> commended for the job he does. <br /> B. COMMUNITY CONCERNS <br /> Citizen Calvin Davis asked about the status of the Rural Education <br /> Center. John Link indicated that this is still something that the County is <br /> pursuing. A meeting will be held soon and an update will be given to the <br /> Board. <br /> Citizen Vern Miller stated that the school bond was passed by <br /> Chapel Hill and not by those who live in the County. He feels the voting <br /> system needs to be changed so they have a representative to whom they can <br /> relate. Chair Carey indicated that the Commissioners will be having further <br /> discussions on this issue. In early March, EAS will be implemented and <br /> everyone will be able to call within the County without it costing extra. He <br /> emphasized that he and the other County Commissioners are accessible to all <br /> citizens regardless of where they live. It is important that they all work <br /> together. <br /> Citizen Myra Crawford asked several questions about the new <br /> property evaluation. She feels they are paying taxes for less services and <br /> that there must be a more fair way of levying taxes. John Link explained that <br /> the County is under the State Machinery Act which dictates how property is to <br /> be valued. The fairest way is comparison of recent sales which indicates the <br /> market value of property. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked the citizens if they wanted her to pursue <br /> with NCDOT the paving of secondary roads. Most of the citizens indicated that <br />