Minutes - 19921214
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19921214
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Last modified
4/6/2010 12:08:10 PM
Creation date
4/6/2010 12:08:07 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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9 <br />will all affect someone's neighborhood. The EDC supports the concept of a <br />planned rural village and asked that the Board approve the change from <br />Transition to Open Space classification per the staff's recommendation. <br />MARGARET MCREAN read a statement which has been made a part of the record <br />of this meeting by reference. She understood that water and sewer would not <br />be extended into the Rural Buffer except for emergencies and questioned why <br />they plan to extend water and sewer to the proposed University Station <br />project. She feels that the rural residential zone without water and sewer <br />is meant to be a buffer for the official rural buffer. She feels the county <br />should stick with the Land Use Plan and devise a plan that provides community <br />well and community septic treatment. She made several suggestions for <br />changing the plan that would reduce some of the risk to the developers and <br />to existing county residents. She suggests removing the golf course, setting <br />aside half of the buildable acreage and making special plans for the two <br />houses which have historical value. <br />MARGO BOWERS read a statement which has been made a part of the record <br />of this meeting by reference. She noted that she likes to golf but prefers <br />not to have a golf course unless its organic. She suggested turning the <br />nearly full landfill into a golf course. She has worked very hard to be able <br />to live in this area. She cares more about the earth than a round of golf. <br />She does not want this area to become Hillsborough. She wants to remain a <br />Chapel Hill person. <br />AL JOHNSON made reference to a graph on page 296 and noted that it <br />indicates that if there are 1300 units instead of 600 units that the <br />developers will make eight times as much money. He feels that the developers <br />are trying to optimally design their model to control the theory that they <br />want to propagate. <br />PHIL PRICE presented into the record a letter from J. Moredock which has <br />been made a part of the record of this meeting by reference. Ms. Moredock <br />wants to protect the old forest and wetland habitats and is against the golf <br />course because of the toxins involved. Mr. Price stated he is strongly <br />against the proposed University Station project as currently proposed. He <br />is opposed to bringing urban density and urban traffic through the heart of <br />the designated rural buffer. He is opposed to golf courses, power easements <br />and new water and sewer lines being designated as open space. He asked that <br />an Environmental Impact Study be done. The traffic analysis did not address <br />lifestyle, noise and preservation of rural character. He asked that the <br />Board of County Commissioners not allow this part of the County to be rezoned <br />for higher density and sewer lines into the Rural Buffer but allow this area <br />to grow at the current R-1 designation with emphasis on cluster development <br />and real open space. <br />RIIDY RENFER noted that the vast majority of people who have spoken do not <br />represent a particular group or organization but people in the community. <br />He feels this neotraditional model is a test. He feels that all the <br />information generated has been generated from a perspective of a desire to <br />see the particular project fly rather than look at the reality of the impact <br />on the people who are actually going to live with it. He stated that they <br />can only speak through their representatives and asked the Board of County <br />Commissioners to listen to the people they represent. <br />PHILLIP SCHERRER stated he lives in Stoneridge and is concerned with <br />orderly and planned development of the area. He has not taken a position but <br />has only provided information. <br />
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