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11 <br />Halkiotis to refer this item to the Planning Board for a recommendation to <br />be returned to the Board of County Commissioners no sooner than February 1, <br />1993. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />LETTERS RECEIVED Each County Commissioner, the Planning Director and the <br />County Manager have received copies of all letters received in the County <br />Commissioners office in Hillsborough. Each letter is filed in the Permanent <br />Agenda File in the Clerk's Office. <br />Following is a list of the letters received from citizens who did not speak <br />at this Public Hearing: <br />JIILIE ANDRESEN, Chapel Hill Council Member, asked that Chapel Hill be <br />given an opportunity to review and comment on this Land Use Plan Amendment. <br />She indicated that the Council has a particular interest in clarifying the <br />issues pertaining to water and sewer extensions outside Hillsborough's urban <br />services area, and the implications those extensions raise for the Joint <br />Planning Agreement and for all County residents. <br />JANE FARBER wrote in opposition of providing water and sewer lines and <br />density bonuses. She does not feel that the residents in this proposed <br />development will work or shop there. She feels the railway corridor will <br />never work on a scale Orange County can afford to promote. She questions if <br />growth on this scale will benefit the community. <br />DEBBIE AND CHRIS FIBEEN wrote in opposition of the request to change the <br />land use designation of the University Station area. They believe this <br />project will only benefit a small number of people. They expressed concerns <br />about the traffic, schools and the environmental impact of this project. <br />They feel that Open Space in rural areas should involve forests and farms. <br />RHONDA HICRB wrote about her concerns with the possible development of <br />"University Station Town". She cannot see any benefit to their community <br />from this "town" and feels that everyone will lose. She asked that the Board <br />of County Commissioners put the people of Orange County first. <br />PRESTON LEE submitted information on Spray Irrigation. The document was <br />produced by the Department of Public Works, Newark, Delaware. <br />RAEFORD A. MAYSE AND OTHERS (7) wrote in support of the project. They <br />have land adjoining the proposed development and feel that the University <br />Station development will create jobs, both during construction and after <br />construction. It will provide family closeness with activities and an <br />environment that will generate activities for families. The wide range of <br />housing cost is a great advantage for a county in which everyone is not a <br />"professional" but "just normal every day people". They asked that the Board <br />of County Commissioners consider all the advantages and not be swayed by the <br />citizens who speak the loudest. <br />TRiP AND RONA FRIED-OVERHOLT AND OTHERS (25) wrote in opposition of the <br />proposed University Station project. They feel that a golf course is <br />intensive development which provides no animal habitat, no natural recreation <br />experience for humans, and pollutes the water with pesticides and synthetic <br />fertilizers. They asked that the Board of County Commissioners reject the <br />plan. <br />EMMIE PARRS AND CASSANDRA WILLIAMS wrote about their concern of what the <br />developers want to do in University Station. They stated their concerns <br />