Minutes - 19921214
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19921214
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Last modified
4/6/2010 12:08:10 PM
Creation date
4/6/2010 12:08:07 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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10 <br />WAYNE POOLE stated he is opposed to the proposed University Station <br />development because he is concerned about the affects this development will <br />have on the people who live in that area. This development will cause <br />increased traffic and increased taxes. Also, a lot of animals will lose <br />their homes. <br />CALLIE WARNER showed some slides of affordable housing communities that <br />are all done within the current zoning allowed in that area. She entered <br />into the record a letter from Randall Arendt dated December 4, 1992 reading <br />several paragraphs dealing with density bonuses. Excerpts from Randall <br />Arendt's book entitled Rural by Design were also submitted for the record. <br />ROBERT EPTING noted that Orange County has a tradition of having planning <br />drive development rather than development proposals drive planning. He noted <br />that this development is being considered before the Rural Character Study <br />process in finished and before the definition of Open Space has been <br />determined and before determining the appropriate density for Open Space <br />developments. There has not been any information on the impact of the <br />transition zoning extension or the Open Space designation on the use of land <br />and the most appropriate use of land throughout the County as the statute <br />requires. What has been presented is how this development within the <br />concept, not yet set, would affect a particular neighborhood, not the entire <br />band around Hillsborough where the Open Space may be placed but only with <br />respect to this one neighborhood. He stated that it is his opinion that this <br />process could be challenged in a court of law. He had several questions <br />about water and sewer. It is his opinion that excluding tapons into a line <br />that has been run at public expense is a very difficult thing to do. He will <br />submit written remarks at a later time. <br />STEVE OIIINN spoke about the cost the residents in the area paid to create <br />a rural buffer zone. When the rural buffer zone was created it was done to <br />preserve the rural character. He emphasized that the Board of County <br />Commissioners made a commitment to the people in the buffer zone who gave up <br />value, sale or marketability of their property in return for long-term <br />planning. <br />Commissioner Willhoit noted that this proposal is not in the Rural <br />Buffer . <br />Commissioner Insko asked that there be a discussion or information <br />provided on height limitation for multifamily residences and that some <br />consideration be given to the concept of municipal golf courses and whether <br />or not this proposed golf course meets the specifications or requirements for <br />a municipal golf course. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked that Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill respond to the <br />questions from Mr. Epting on procedure and process. <br />Commissioner Insko expressed a concern that deals with the use of Open <br />Space Area for developed recreation space. She questioned if the percent of <br />open space allowed for recreational use should be lower than that allowed in <br />a more urban setting. <br />BONNIE ROGERS asked if the developers or planners have taken into <br />consideration the recently passed American Disability Act in their planning <br />and cost analysis and the impact that would create with respect to <br />transportation, restaurants, etc. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />
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