Orange County NC Website
4 <br />CHERIE ROSEMOND spoke in opposition to the Planned Community Option. She expressed <br />support for the remainder of the Study. <br />LES RAY, a former member of the RCSC and a dairy farmer, indicated that his family has <br />lived in Orange County for over 300 years. They are a part of the land and the land is a <br />part of them. He spoke on behalf of the landowners need to sell or develop land they have <br />had stewardship over. He supports the plan in general but asked that open space be clearly <br />defined. He also indicated that the higher densities would not allow farm land to survive. <br />He requested that special attention be given to the protection of the watershed. Farmers <br />generally use pesticides more wisely then golf course operators and home owners and water <br />quality must be the County's first priority. <br />ALLEN SPALT commended the County and the RCSC for their hard work. He indicated that <br />he is concerned about the higher density development. Open space needs to be defined <br />excluding golf courses and other developed land. A copy of his statement is in the Permanent <br />Agenda File in the Clerk's office. <br />ROBERT CANTWELL spoke in opposition to the Planned Community option. He asked that it <br />be excluded from the plan. <br />AL JOHNSON, a New Hope Church Road resident, indicated that although increasing the <br />number of homes per acre would increase the tax revenue for the county, it would also <br />increase the need for services. He asked that the higher density strategy be removed from the <br />plan. <br />CARL WALTERS indicated that he has designated his farm as an Agricultural District. <br />He mentioned that the landfill and the reservoir have both threatened his land in the recent <br />past. He also indicated that he believes that low density subdivisions increase his share <br />of the property tax unless the homes are in the higher price range. <br />JANE MASKE spoke in opposition to the Planned Development option. Her statement is in <br />the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office. <br />JENNIFER MILLER spoke in opposition to the Planned Development option. She asked that <br />the impact on the schools be considered. Her written statement is in the permanent agenda <br />file in the Clerk's office. A fact sheet on the Farmview Community in Lower Makefield <br />Township, Pennsylvania. is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office. <br />CALLIE WARNER spoke in opposition to the Planned Development option. She indicated <br />that water and sewer would be required for this option. She asked that the County not <br />consider golf courses as open space. A copy of her statement is in the permanent agenda <br />file. <br />LEE REFALOW stated that there are both urban and rural areas in Orange County. He <br />asked that rural strategies not be used to manage urban growth. <br />ALAN SEIFERFELD spoke in opposition to allowing golf courses and driving ranges to be <br />considered open space. He asked that the Planned Community option be removed from the list <br />of options. <br />NEIL BANERJEE spoke in support of the goals of the Rural Character Study Committee; <br />however, he indicated that they are on the wrong path with this plan. Voluntary compliance <br />