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other sites were kept on the list. <br />Mr. Mann noted that there is a lot of documentation. There is a <br />st'~and a map that was used in applying the criteria. There is a chart that <br />shows how the ranking criteria was applied to each site. <br />Dan VanderMeer stated that he feels these. are important items that <br />need to be addressed by the LSSC. However, it was not his understanding that <br />they were to provide anyone with a written report of their recommendations at <br />this point in the process. Every meeting was held in open session. Notes, <br />minutes and reports were developed from these meetings. The committee worked <br />together as a group and not north/south. They reached a point several months <br />ago when they felt they had made the very best recommendations to the elected <br />officials. They are now being asked to justify the process and justify <br />specific decisions related to the process. He agreed that they should answer <br />the questions but not to give a written report. A better way to do this is <br />to take a look at the written record. Mr. Mann noted that throughout the <br />process they developed interim reports that are available. <br />Commissioner Insko questioned how difficult it would be to pull <br />together information showing site by site the factors considered by the <br />committee. It would be helpful to her to have the sites listed with <br />information on the factors that were taken into consideration which led to <br />their decision to select that particular site. Dan indicated that he would <br />provide a one page summary on each site showing objective and subjective data. <br />Commissioner Gordon emphasized she is not critical of the process <br />but she needs additional information to understand the process that was used <br />in the site selection. <br />Mr. Mann noted. that this committee was appointed by the LOG and has <br />been responding to the LOG. They are not through with the process. Their <br />charge in to give them a final report which will give them the conclusion of <br />their study. <br />In answer to a question about the guarantee they can give to <br />landowners that the subcontractors employed to do the testing will exercise <br />the greatest possible caution to make sure the land is disturbed to the least <br />possible extent, Mr. Joyce stated that for the type of work being performed, <br />they will be using the highest quality standards of care and will be in <br />compliance with all of the requirements and laws including state and county. <br />He explained the process that will be used in the drilling and exploratory <br />procedure. <br />Commissioner Insko asked if it was mandatory to do the trenches and <br />pits in addition to the borings. Mr. Joyce stated that it is not mandatory <br />to do that type of work but that it is important to understand the degree of <br />reliability of doing non-invasive testings or geophysical work versus the <br />reliability of the type of work they have proposed. In his opinion, invasive <br />testing is much more reliable than the geophysical work as Mr. Scarlett <br />explained earlier. <br />