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,~ . <br />741 <br />~, _. <br />.°~~~ .~ <br />The Board said it would wait until after the upcoming budget sessions <br />before scheduling a public hearing on the suggested road names. <br />Agenda Ttem S: Minor Subdivisions Costs <br />The Planning Staff presented the Board with the estimated cast figures <br />for minor subdivisions as requested (fora copy of this memo,ssee page <br />of this book). Commissioner Whitted reiterated his concern that these <br />costs would fall disproportionately on those low and moderate income fam- <br />ilies who wished to give or sell band to relatives. Commissioner Gustaveson <br />moved approval of the fee schedule for the Planning Department with the <br />alteration of the filing fee for minor subdivisions being reduced from <br />$60.00 to X30.00; Commissioner Willhoit seconded the motion. The County <br />Attorney told the Board there might be a problem of landlocked lots within <br />family blocks of land that could be surmounted by a requirement that tracts <br />being subdivided have access to state roads. Vote: Ayes, 4 (Commissioners <br />` Gustaveson, Walker, Whitted, and Willhoit);noes, 1 (Commissioner Barnes). <br />Commissioner Whitted encouraged the Planning Staff to search ways to reduce <br />the costs. <br />' Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, to <br />implement the fee schedule effective July 1, 198].. Vote: Ayes, 4 (Com- <br />~ missioners Gustaveson, Walker, 6Jhitted and Wi.llhoit); noes, 1 (Commissioner <br />i <br />Barnes). <br />Agenda Item 9: Planning Board Recommendations <br />D. Sedgefield Subdivision - The developer's attorney presented the <br />Board with this contract at the meeting, stating that the developer would <br />like to delay work on this subdivision until some decision on proposed I-40 <br />is reached by the Department of Transportation. Commissioner Gustaveson <br />:iIOVEd t0 approve this contract; Commissioner Wi}1hoit moved not to approve <br />this contract. Both motions died for lack of a second. Commissioner <br />Jillhcit moved to table this item until the next regular meeting; Com- <br />missioner 4:hitted seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />The Board adjourned for lunch. <br />The Board reconvened at 2:pOP.M. fallowing the lunch break; Commissioner <br />Walker returned during discussion of Agenda Item 9 C. <br />