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5 <br />resolution from SCRAP will be considered at that time. <br />There was a consensus of the Board that no County money should be <br />used for this project at this time. <br />Michael Jolly on behalf of SCRAP read the resolution. He <br />emphasized that the majority of the people in Orange County do not want an <br />airport. <br />Steven Levine stated that he feels that the University is the <br />motivating force behind this relocation issue and he sees no reason for the <br />County to be involved. The Raleigh-Durham Airport is close and convenient. <br />The report was received as information. <br />B. PUBLIC HEARING OPTIONS FOR UNIVERSITY STATION <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Insko to rescind the action taken on May 4, 1992 which specified the public <br />hearing for University Station to be held on June 29, 1992. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />It was the consensus of the Board to hold the public hearing on <br />the Comprehensive Plan amendment on August 24, 1992 (regular quarterly public <br />hearing) and to hold the public hearing on the Planned Development on <br />November 23, 1992 at the regular quarterly public hearing. <br />C. REPORT ON BIISINESS ACTIVITY <br />Economic Development Director Ted Abernathy provided to the Board <br />information about recent business expansions and relocations and provided an <br />update on Economic Development Commission activities. In essence he reported <br />that in the past two years 202 businesses have moved to, started, or expanded <br />in Orange County. They have produced close to 1,500 new jobs, invested $57.6 <br />million, and absorbed 1.4 million square feet of space. Seven of the top ten <br />private businesses have expanded or announced expansions in the past two <br />years. Also four of the top five manufacturers have added facilities and <br />employees in the past two years. <br />Ted Abernathy stated that Orange County does not have an <br />industrial park. It needs to be determined if this is a high priority. <br />VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. NEW HOPE SPRINGS - SOIITH. SECTION ONE - PRELIMINARY PLAN <br />The property is located in the northwest corner of Chapel Hill <br />Township on the .south side of Davis Road (SR 1129). Section One is zoned <br />Residential-1, with the northwestern half of the property in the Protected <br />Watershed portion of the Upper Eno Watershed. The Land Use Plan designations <br />are Rural Residential and Water Supply Watershed. Adjacent land use is <br />residential. Twenty-six (26) new residential lots are proposed which average <br />1.23 acres in size. All lots will be served by new public roads, individual <br />wells, and individual septic tanks. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Insko to approve the Preliminary Plan for New Hope Springs-South, Section <br />One, with public roads built to State standards, and subject to the <br />conditions contained in the Resolution of Approval on pages of these <br />