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4 <br />development is owned and maintained by Chatham County. They are <br />currently providing water to 40 homes in this area. The total cost <br />to expand the plant at Pittsboro is $1.2 million. The Governors <br />Club is paying $800,000 of this cost in return for 1,000 <br />connections. <br />2. ROLE OF TOWNS AND COUNTY <br />Chair Carey noted that although this discussion can <br />continue, the group would probably not be able to come to any <br />consensus. The process needs to be developed for reaching a <br />consensus on the direction to pursue. <br />Mayor Kenneth Broun asked about time constraints and Mr. <br />Shivar stated that the sooner a decision can be reached the better. <br />In answer to a question from Council Member Joe <br />Herzerberg, Mr. Shivar stated that the population for northern <br />Chatham County in 1991 was 8,750. The projected population by the <br />year 2000 is 12,500. They have 1300 water customers. <br />Mr. Shivar clarified that even when the expansion at the <br />Pittsboro plant is completed, the state will not lift these <br />constraints because they count all vacant lots in approved <br />subdivisions or other development as if they are occupied. <br />3. PROCESS FOR TOWNS/COUNTY PARTICIPATION IN DECISION <br />In answer to a question from Carrboro Aldermen Jacqueline <br />Gist about the necessity of all elected boards approving the sale <br />of water to Chatham, Lois Herring stated that there are other <br />issues such as planning and zoning that need to be addressed. <br />Chair Carey noted that all the elected boards should have an <br />opportunity to list and address any identifiable land use issues <br />or concerns. He suggested that this could be accomplished through <br />a work group made up of elected officials from each board. <br />Commissioner Insko stated that a subcommittee would need to <br />know the concerns of each elected .board. Information on potential <br />problems or concerns need to be identified by each elected body. <br />She emphasized the importance of working with OWASA on this issue. <br />It was decided that each elected board would place this item <br />on their agenda for the purpose of determining if there are <br />identifiable problems. The Chairs and Mayors will then determine <br />if there are problems which affect all jurisdictions and if a <br />subcommittee is the best way to continue. The subcommittee will <br />then meet and their findings, along with a consensus-reaching <br />process, will be resubmitted to the elected boards for their <br />consideration. The group decided that the memo dated March 26 from <br />Marvin Collins and Roger Walden would be the point of reference to <br />begin the discussion. <br />