Minutes - 19920324
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19920324
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Last modified
4/6/2010 9:49:41 AM
Creation date
4/6/2010 9:49:38 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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9 <br />1 VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />2 A. .ORIENTATION TRAINING FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />3 The Board members suggested several corrections to this policy. <br />4 This will be placed on the next agenda for Board approval. <br />5 <br />6 B. 1991 CIILBRETH PARR TAX EXEMPTION AND REFUND REQUEST <br />7 Rod Visser reported that Culbreth Park Development Corp. has <br />8 requested a property tax exemption on certain properties used for affordable <br />9 housing and a refund of property taxes paid for 1991. NCGS 105-282.1(a) <br />10 makes provision for a board of county commissioners to approve an application <br />11 for exemption made after the close of the listing period, "upon showing of <br />12 good cause by the applicant for failure to make a timely application". <br />13 Culbreth Park presented evidence which indicated good cause for failure to <br />14 make a timely application. The individual who designed, developed, and <br />15 managed Culbreth Park became gravely ill in the Fall of 1990. New management <br />16 was not hired by Culbreth Park until February, 1991. They were not aware <br />17 that the county was expecting property taxes on the lots until September, <br />18 1991. They applied for tax exemption at that time which was still in the <br />19 calendar year in which the property taxes were levied as required by the <br />20 statute. Tax Assessor Kermit Lloyd denied their request for the reasons as <br />21 specified in the agenda abstract. Culbreth Park is a non-profit corporation <br />22 focused on providing homes to low and moderate income people. <br />23 Commissioner Insko clarified that if the application had been made <br />24 on time and on the specific lots that are planned to be developed last year, <br />25 Culbreth Park would have received a reduction in their property tax. <br />26 Kermit Lloyd explained that Culbreth Park has 50 lots. Those lots <br />27 that were purchased with governmental money would qualify them for exemption. <br />28 Those lots owned by the Corporation would not be exempt. <br />29 Twenty-four lots qualify for exemption for 1991. Nine lots qualify for <br />30 exemption for 1991. <br />31 Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Chair Carey <br />32 to grant an exemption to Culbreth Park Corporation for 24 lots for 1991 and <br />33 for nine lots in 1992 because of unpredictable illnesses or permanent <br />34 physical and mental disabilities of agency personnel. <br />35 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />36 <br />37 C. RECOMMENDATION FOR JAIL ARCHITECT <br />38 Captain Joe Dickey reported on the overcrowded conditions of the <br />39 jail facility. Chair Carey stated that there is a need for a short and long <br />40 range plan for the jail and the court system. One of the Board's goals is <br />41 to plan for a campus concept for the County property in Hillsborough. This <br />42 would include expansion of jail facilities and provision of adequate court <br />43 space. <br />44 Commissioner Insko asked that the short range planning committee <br />45 look at options to reduce jail overcrowding. This could be done by using the <br />46 house arrest system or reducing the time spent in jail waiting for a court <br />47 date. <br />48 John Link noted that two efforts to get people to court sooner <br />49 need to occur. One would involve the judge and other court officials looking <br />50 at how additional court hours can be implemented, and the second involves a <br />51 process to look at short term solutions to alleviate overcrowding of the <br />52 jail. The charge can be expanded to include these two efforts. One problem <br />
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