Orange County NC Website
8 <br />1 will work to do that. Jogging trails have also been suggested. They do plan <br />2 to meet with the Bingham TAC to hear their concerns. There will probably be <br />3 a lot of different subgroups formed. With reference to the budget for this <br />4 coming year, they are just beginning the process by listing everything that <br />5 needs to be done. Some items will probably have to be phased in. Other <br />6 things are mandatory. In looking at their capital improvement projects, <br />7 money for the Cane Creek Study and purchase of land for watershed protection <br />8 may not be available this year. They are monitoring and keeping a lot more <br />9 records for Cane Creek which will help the consultant and move the study <br />10 along faster. She asked for the Board's input. Commissioner Willhoit asked <br />11 for a sketch map of the three parcels that OWASA has purchased and Lois will <br />12 provide that to him. Ms. Herring noted that the total budget is about six <br />13 million dollars. The rate study cost $60,000. This study was done to <br />14 determine the impact of their rates on low income customers and .availability <br />15 fees which are difficult for some people to pay as well as address the goal <br />16 of water conservation. The University Lake Watershed study cost $240,000. <br />17 Lois indicated they will probably have a rate increase because they have a <br />18 lot of large projects which need to be done. They will have to replace <br />19 filters at a cost of 1.5 million dollars at the water treatment plant which <br />20 was built in 1948. The wastewater treatment plant also needs repair which <br />21 will be phased in over a number of years. Commissioner Willhoit asked for <br />22 a report on the growth in both the University and Cane Creek watershed areas. <br />23 Ms. Herring noted that peek usage is usually contributed to irrigation. The <br />24 average daily use is 7MGD. <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 D. REPORT ON DURHAM-CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO (DCHC) TRANSPORTATION_ <br />28 ADVISORY COMMITTEE (TAC) MEETING <br />29 Gene Bell reported that there is an upcoming meeting on the <br />30 Durham Northwest and Northeast Loop Corridor Study. In October it was the <br />31 Board's decision to keep this corridor out of Orange County. The corridor <br />32 is 20 miles in length and barely comes into Orange County. DOT has added <br />33 one additional corridor for further study that will connect to Route 751. <br />34 The next step in this process is a citizens workshop on March 31. This is <br />35 an important meeting because the comments received will play quite heavily <br />36 in determining if further study will be done. This is not the only <br />37 opportunity for county input. DOT will be glad to meet with the County <br />38 Commissioners and make a presentation and receive comments which will be <br />39 factored into their decision. Gene Bell plans to. attend the March 31st <br />40 meeting. <br />41 Commissioner Gordon stated that she told DOT that the Board is <br />42 quite concerned with the alignment going into a critical area. She asked if <br />43 the Board wants to take an official stand and ask DOT to strongly consider <br />44 another alignment because of the park. <br />45 John Link suggested that the DOT representative be invited to the <br />46 April 21st meeting. <br />47 It was decided that Chair Carey and Commissioner Gordon will draft <br />48 a letter which will be sent to DOT expressing the Board's desires. <br />49 Gene Bell reported that the TIP annual presentation to DOT will <br />50 not be held this year. The County may send in a written response by April <br />51 7. It was decided that the County's response would be on the April 6th <br />52 agenda for Board consideration of approval. <br />