Minutes - 19920309
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19920309
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/6/2010 9:42:30 AM
Creation date
4/6/2010 9:42:24 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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and the importance of returning this information. He supports an ongoing <br />program for household hazardous waste. <br />Lindsay Efland spoke on behalf of the Economic Development <br />Commission. He supports the Board's goal to coordinate and study the <br />various water and sewer providers in the County. They would like to see the <br />Board of County Commissioners play an active lead-agency role in bringing <br />about this coordination and mapping out the service areas. He feels it is <br />important that people know what jurisdiction is going to serve them. <br />Tom McCurdy asked that better seating be provided for the citizens <br />in this meeting room. He supports the water resources quantity and quality <br />study. He feels that there are a lot of separate objectives listed and that <br />this study will coordinate these objectives. He feels that the optional <br />wastewater system goal should not proceed until it is known where these <br />systems can safely go. A lot of big picture items should be addressed by <br />this study like where the potential water impoundments are, where the best <br />high yield underground sources of water are, where can these alternative <br />approaches be used, and what are the optimal institutional arrangements to <br />obtain the needed water supply to handle effluent services in this county. <br />Problems which should be addressed include the possible placing of the <br />landfill next to Cane Creek, the Hillsborough water supply and reservoir <br />problems, the pipeline between Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, the extension <br />of sewer and water into the designated buffer area, the Efland sewer <br />service, and the required utility service to designated growth areas. As <br />a fiscal conservative he strongly supports the efficiency in government <br />goal. <br />Nancy Miller spoke on behalf of the League of Women Voters of <br />Chapel Hill and Carrboro. They support stringent controls to protect the <br />quantity and quality of water resources including protection of watersheds. <br />They support the implementation of state mandated classification and <br />standards for watershed and in particular endorse the highest possible <br />classification for Cane Creek and the University Lake Watershed. They <br />support regulation of wastewater discharge and limitation of development <br />densities. They urge the citizens of Orange County to help develop <br />watershed protection ordinances for the health and quality of life for <br />everyone. <br />John Hartwell spoke about affordable housing. He noted that the <br />Habitat for Humanity organization has changed complexion and they now need <br />to have an office. He explained that a few years ago Orange County gave to <br />Habitat $25,000 for paving roads. This money has been returned to the <br />County in the form of taxes paid on the housing that has been provided by <br />Habitat. With regard to water resources he feels that implementing the <br />state guidelines is actually taking a step backwards. Abetter goal would <br />be to implement those things which are knowledge based. With regard to <br />solid waste, he feels that instead of citing a landfill the County should <br />find a site for a solid waste management facility. Mainly, the County needs <br />to find a way to handle it, compost it, sort it and transport it to some <br />destination. It should be located adjacent to other recycling businesses. <br />He feels the County must first deal effectively with solid waste and then <br />
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