Orange County NC Website
A. 1992-93 COMMI88IONERB' GOALS AND BOD(3ET PRIORITIES <br />Chairman Carey explained the process that was followed in <br />formulating the Board's goals and budget priorities. This public hearing <br />is on both the Board's goals and budget priorities for 1992-93. The Manager <br />will make a recommendation on those goals and objectives which have budget <br />implications in his proposed budget in May, 1992. Copies of these goals <br />were sent to all the agencies who receive funds from the County including <br />human service agencies, schools, and nondepartmental agencies, <br />Dr. Philip Singer, Chair of the Health Board, presented a memo <br />asking the Board of County Commissioners to consider those items which the <br />Health Board feel are high priority. These include a plan of action for the <br />Optional Wastewater Treatment goal which is becoming critical in order to <br />meet the new state regulations which go into effect by July, 1992. He noted <br />that the Health Department did not receive its community health needs <br />assessment data from the state in time to prepare its Community Diagnosis <br />for the Board of Commissioners' retreat in December. He asked that the <br />County Commissioners meet jointly with the Health Board to discuss the <br />priorities which were approved by the Board of Health on February 27, 1992 <br />and to continue discussions on the monitoring, maintenance and assurance <br />plan. <br />Joyce Brown, speaking as a resident and citizen, emphasized that <br />there is insufficient information on total water resources in Orange County <br />including both surface and ground water. She supports the goal and plan of <br />action regarding water resources both quantity and quality. Circumstances <br />will determine what will happen if the County does not begin to develop an <br />information base and make decisions with the most extensive knowledge <br />possible on what exactly is the County's capability for present and future <br />generations. She feels that to go forward with the Efland Sewer System <br />without having knowledge of water and sewer capability could have serious <br />environmental, economic and social effects. Long range planning is <br />necessary for all resources based on all the information possible. <br />Margaret Hol~fsn, representing the League of Women Voters of North <br />Carolina, read a prepared statement. In summary she asked the County <br />Commissioners to continue to support their strong Watershed Protection <br />Ordinance and recommended that they establish a Water Resources Study <br />Committee made up of citizen representatives. She stated that the League <br />supports the three Water Resources Protection and Development Goals. They <br />asked that the Board enlarge their Watershed Protection Goal to implement <br />state mandated watershed protection standards and classifications by stating <br />that the Board supports the Watershed Ordinance that is in place for <br />University Lake and OWASA water. She hopes the Board will classify each <br />watershed in Orange County to its highest level. <br />Greg Gangi, regional and area representative for the Sierra Club, <br />spoke about the importance of protecting the water supply and stated that <br />the Sierra Club supports this goal. With regard to household hazardous <br />materials, he feels that it would be appropriate to show a commitment to <br />protect water quality by holding a household hazardous waste pickup day. <br />He would like to see an educational program on recycling in the schools. <br />Commissioner Willhoit made reference to a questionnaire that was published <br />in the newspaper and also in the newsletter that goes out from the LOG and <br />encouraged the Sierra Club members to get the word out about this <br />questionnaire on interest in holding a household hazardous waste pickup day <br />