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B. BOND REFERENDUM SURVEY , <br /> This item was moved to "Items for Decision" and will be considered <br /> with item "C" . <br /> VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br /> A. CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES STAFF <br /> The 1991 session of the N.C. General Assembly appropriated $3.25 <br /> million for FY 1991-92 and $7 million for FY 1992-93 to county departments of <br /> social services, beginning January 1, 1992. The funds are specifically <br /> designated for additional staff to assist counties to provide protective or <br /> preventive services when child abuse, neglect, or dependency has been <br /> confirmed, and may not be used to supplant other funding budgeted for <br /> protective services. Orange County's share of the FY 1991-92 allocation is <br /> $32,000 (6 months) and staff projects the FY 1992-93 allocation will be <br /> approximately $64,000. County matching funds are not required. These <br /> additional funds will enable the Department to employ one Child Protective <br /> Services Supervisor, and one Social Work In-Home Assistant. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to approve accepting the state funds for Child Protective Services <br /> staff and that continuation of the positions be based on continued state <br /> funds. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> B. PROPOSED USE OF ADDITIONAL STATE FUNDING IN FAMILY <br /> PLANNING AND CHILD SERVICE COORDINATION PROGRAM <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to approve accepting both the State funds and the Medicaid <br /> projections, authorize the Chair to sign the Consolidated Contract Budget <br /> Amendments, and establish the new Public Health Nurse I position, contingent <br /> upon an annual review of continued State funding and Medicaid revenue <br /> sufficient to fund the position. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> C. ESTABLISH A SCHOOL BOND PACKAGE COMMITTEE <br /> BOND REFERENDUM SURVEY <br /> Commissioner Willhoit emphasized that although the School Capital <br /> Advisory Committee did a lot of work on the school bond package, they did not <br /> reach a consensus. He feels it is critical that a community consensus on the <br /> package is reached before placing a school bond on the ballot in May. <br /> Chair Carey believes that consensus starts with the elected <br /> officials taking a stand, especially the School Boards. <br /> Commissioner Gordon stated her opposition to another committee. <br /> She feels the elected officials need to start interacting and to also conduct <br /> a telephone survey. She emphasized that a consensus was reached on the needs <br /> but not on the costs of those needs. <br /> Several citizens spoke in favor of continuing with the bond issue <br /> for May. Two people spoke against the bond issue stating that Orange County <br /> residents would be paying for Chapel Hill Schools, that the tax is too much <br /> of an increase in taxes and the merger issue is not being addressed. <br /> After extended discussion it was decided that the County <br /> Commissioners would meet with the two school boards in an effort to reach a <br />