Orange County NC Website
-5- <br /> Personnel also surveyed the average merit increase <br /> awarded to employees under the merit programs . Some of <br /> the responses were relatively exact and others are an <br /> estimate. Two did not provide an average. <br /> Of the seven who gave an average, the overall average <br /> merit increase was 4 . 1 percent. The low was 2 .5 percent <br /> and the high was five percent. <br /> Personnel also surveyed the percentage of employees <br /> receiving merit increases among the nine employers . This <br /> information was not available for two employers . Of the <br /> remaining seven, the lowest percentage was 60 percent. <br /> For that employer, 25 percent of employees are not <br /> eligible because they are at the maximum of the salary <br /> range. <br /> The next highest employer had an average of 70 percent <br /> and the remaining four had averages ranging from 90 to 98 <br /> percent. <br /> Attachment 8 provides some additional comparative <br /> information on merit increase policies . This is from an <br /> annual survey conducted by the North Carolina Office of <br /> State Personnel . It covered 110 public and private <br /> employers . <br /> Item 2 on Attachment 8 shows the average percentage of <br /> employees receiving merit increase in this survey. The <br /> overall survey average was 75 . 7 percent. Item 1 of <br /> Attachment 8 shows the maximum merit increase permitted <br /> and Item 4 shows projected merits amounts for Fiscal Year <br /> 1991-92 . <br /> This merit program information for Fiscal Year 1991-92 <br /> indicates that Orange County' s program is quite <br /> comparable to those of other local governments . It is <br /> competitive with them and is not excessive or out of line <br /> with what is required. <br /> 5 . Merit and Cost-of-Living Combined <br /> Personnel also surveyed the average increase being <br /> awarded among the nine employers when merit and cost-of- <br /> living are combined. <br />