Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> 1 the record. In essence she voiced OWASA's concern about possible <br /> 2 effects of the proposed project on the quality of Cane Creek and <br /> 3 University Lake water supply reservoirs. OWASA is concerned about the <br /> 4 direct effects of the construction work itself, and about the longer <br /> 5 term effects of increased traffic and subsequent activities that may <br /> 6 follow the project. A copy of the complete letter is in the permanent <br /> 7 agenda file in the Clerk's Office. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 JANE KELLY, purchased and restored an old home on NC 54. She <br /> 10 spoke in opposition of the proposed widening of NC 54 stating it would <br /> 11 destroy her property. She questioned why North Carolina is first in <br /> 12 highway construction and last in education. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 MIRIAM MURDOCK spoke in opposition of widening NC 54. She <br /> 15 agreed with all the environmental concerns stating that not only would <br /> 16 this destroy homes but it is most inappropriate at this time. The State <br /> 17 cannot afford it and it is no time for more highways and more cars. <br /> 18 Funds should be diverted to more needed social and educational things. <br /> 19 She suggested a rail line between Chapel Hill and Burlington as an <br /> 20 alternative means of travel. She asked that the Board not encourage <br /> 21 more automobiles. She feels the widening of NC 54 is not inevitable and <br /> 22 stated that now is the time to stop this proposal. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 HENRY WILSON, owner of Wilson and Staples Auto Service, <br /> 25 stated that this widening would take his business. He expressed a <br /> 26 concern about the people who may be hurt by this widening. He approves <br /> 27 of money being spent on public transportation. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 JAMES ASBAUGH stated that when 54 was redone in the 70 's, <br /> 30 money was allocated in 1956. If DOT had thought it through then, they <br /> 31 would have changed some things at that time instead of doing it now. <br /> 32 He questioned the traffic count of 6, 000 vehicles per day and asked when <br /> 33 that count was conducted -- before Highway 40 was opened or after. He <br /> 34 feels this is a shortcut for trucks and widening would increase traffic <br /> 35 on NC 54 and create a need for a weigh station. He noted that Southern <br /> 36 Bell has a fiber-optic line along NC 54 which would need to be moved for <br /> 37 the widening. Also, one of the main feeders to University Lake would <br /> 38 have to be crossed. The widening of NC 54 will cause more runoff and <br /> 39 erosion of the land. He feels the intersection of Fayetteville Road and <br /> 40 NC 54 is dangerous and needs to be studied for a solution. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 PETER TODD, member of the Sierra Club and Orange County <br /> 43 Greens, made reference to a transportation study done by TJCOG. This <br /> 44 study points our the need for all governments to work together to <br /> 45 coordinate their transportation needs. He advocates that no action be <br /> 46 taken before 1992 . This would give all the governing bodies time to <br /> 47 respond to the land use issues. He referred to an EDC target advisory <br /> 48 group which advocated development of Highway 54 . He feels this would <br /> 49 encourage sprawl and further promote congestion and increase air, water <br /> 50 and soil pollution. Another primary concern is that Highway 54 goes <br /> 51 through several feeders of the University Lake Watershed. He does not <br /> 52 feel this project is financially prudent. The highway fund is projected <br />