Minutes - 19901105
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19901105
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Last modified
1/19/2016 2:52:40 PM
Creation date
4/5/2010 12:22:50 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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9 <br /> John Link stated that these concerns will be addressed during <br /> the second phase of the study along with Social Services and Health. <br /> There are also some positions which have had a change of scope which <br /> will be addressed. John Link stressed that he wants to be sensitive to <br /> every employee's concern about this study. He would like to bring this <br /> item back at the next meeting with the effective date of January 1. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit questioned the fact that the existing <br /> pay range does not seem to be a common fact between the low range and <br /> the high range. The high range is approximately 50% above the low side <br /> but does not appear to be uniform. Mr. Maxwell explained that the <br /> County has a larger spread from minimum to maximum than the survey <br /> average would show. The average is 55-60% and the survey average is <br /> 45%. The other reason is that some of the organizations have a smaller <br /> spread and the average would be shorter. He referred to the agenda <br /> abstract and the fact that 124 employees were recommended for an <br /> increase in grade level but of those employees only 31 will actually <br /> receive a salary increase. <br /> John Link stated that there were 124 recommended for a salary <br /> grade increase. However, they will not receive a salary increase. <br /> Twenty-two salaries will increase because their job has been <br /> reclassified and the other 9 employees' current salary is below the <br /> first step of the new salary range. <br /> In answer to a question from Commissioner Willhoit about the <br /> difference between a reclassification and a grade change, John Maxwell <br /> explained that some would have a title change and some would just have <br /> the same title but the data would show that their salary grade should <br /> be moved up. Those employees are making salaries already that are in <br /> the range even though the range changes, their salary is not going to <br /> increase because their existing salary is already within their new <br /> range. However, there are some employees whose existing salaries are <br /> below the minimum of the new grade. All other questions may be directed <br /> to the County Manager. <br /> B. TELEPHONE - EXTENDED AREA SERVICE <br /> John Link and Rod Visser, with the use of transparencies, <br /> illustrated the proposals from Southern Bell and Centel for toll-free <br /> Couyntywide Extended Area Telephone service. One proposal is a measured <br /> service approach at reduced toll charges and the other option is a <br /> countywide extended area service proposal by the phone companies that <br /> would cover their toll revenue over a period of time. Historically, the <br /> Utilities Commission has addressed petitions for extended area service <br /> in this state without consideration for recovery of tolls for the phone <br /> companies. They have pursued fixed rates that would cover the cost of <br /> equipment and processing of extended area service process. The question <br /> is should the County accept the proposal that has been made by the phone <br /> companies or proceed with a petition to the Utilities Commission seeking <br /> a traditional EAS approach with reduced tolls based on not recovering <br /> all toll charges for the phone companies. Rod Visser reviewed the <br /> proposals by the phone companies and compared their rates with the rates <br /> as suggested by Orange County. <br /> Mr. Henry Whitfield emphatically spoke in support of the <br /> County's proposal. <br />
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