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___f_ ____ ------ - <br />.~.~~ ~. <br />_....... <br />__. _ _. <br />i -- . .. - - <br />]. <br />- ~~ ~ ~~ <br />$13,504. He said at the last meeting of the Youth Services Needs Task <br />Force the program directors had presented budget requests totalling $117, <br />000; he has instructed his .directors to cut back and resubmit the requests. <br />Mr. Rogerson said he wanted the Board to be aware of the funding problem. The <br />Board thanked Mr. Rogerson for his presentation and told him it was aware <br />of the budget problems. <br />Commissioner .Willhoit maVed, seconded by Commissioner Whitted, to <br />correct the Minutes of the November 24, 1980, Regular Meeting of the Board <br />to properly reflect the action taken by the Board related to the adoption <br />of the'Standard of .Values and Rules to be used in the 1981 property revaluation. <br />Move the Minutes be corrected to read: <br />Commissioner Willhoit moves that the Board accept,adapt and order <br />the Standard of Values and Rules recommended by the Tax Supervisor <br />to be used in connection with the 1981 property revaluation. (For <br />a copy of adopted Standard of Values and Rules see copy on file in <br />the Tax Supervisor's Office.} <br />Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 9: The Mana er Recomme_n_ds_. the Board Approve <br />--- - Budget mendments : ~ "^ <br />A. To the CETA Program formally retarding the fund de-obligation <br />previously approved by the Board and adding $13,198 to the YETP program; <br />B. To the Socal Services Budget recording $21,840 additional Day Care <br />funding; <br />C. Transferring $25,013 from the EM5 Capital Projects account to EM5 <br />Personnel, Social Security, supplies and ambulance repair; <br />D. Transferring $2,500 from Contingency to Emergency Preparedness; <br />E. Transferring $2,600 to the Telephone Capital Equipment Account. . <br />Commissioner Whitted moved to approve the budget amendments; Commissioner <br />r <br />Willhoit seconded the motion. Gommissioner'Barnes said she had a problem with' <br />"E;' whereupon Commissioner Whitted amended his motion to approve A, B, C and <br />D; Commissioner Willhoit said his second still stood. Vote: Ayes,'5;noes, 0. <br />The Board asked Mr. Rees what the $2,600 was for. Mr. Rees replied that <br />it was a teleprinter to track and log long distance calls automatically re- <br />cording the correct department for billing. Commissioner Gustaveson so moved <br />to authorize the budget amendment transferring the $2,600 to the Telephone <br />Capital Equipment Account; Commissioner 4lalker seconded the <br />