Orange County NC Website
PAGE 5 <br /> VII. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - N O N E <br /> VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> A MINORITY PARTICIPATION GOALS <br /> Purchasing Director Pam Jones presented for citizen comments a resolution for <br /> minority participation goals. She explained that last year the General Assembly made <br /> some modifications in the statutes that govern how local governments contract for <br /> construction projects. Previously, the County had to do multiple prime contracts which <br /> means that if the job was over $100,000 and any component of the contract was over <br /> $10,000, a separate contract had to be let. The County now has the latitude to also bid <br /> a single prime contract. In addition to the single prime, there was a clause added that <br /> is intended to encourage participation of minority businesses in local government <br /> construction contracts. Each local government is expected to set a percentage <br /> participation goal. A verifiable goal of 10% is recommended. It is equal to the goal <br /> set by Alamance County, Durham County, the Town of Chapel Hill and Orange County <br /> Schools. This goal is meant only to assure minority business participation in the <br /> bidding process. Jones summarized the plan developed for Orange County to achieve a <br /> goal of 10%. This plan is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office. The plan <br /> is specifically addressed toward construction (building) contractors, not engineers or <br /> architects. <br /> THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN FOR CITIZEN COMMENTS. <br /> Alice Gordon asked how the County would be sure that the prime contractor has made <br /> an effort to contact minority businesses. Pam Jones stated that the contractor will be <br /> required to list the contractors that they contacted and she will check to be sure they <br /> have been contacted. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Marshall to <br /> close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 1 ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION FOR MINORITY PARTICIPATION GOALS <br /> Motion was made by Chairman Carey, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br /> adopt the resolution as stated below which establishes a verifiable goal of 10% for <br /> participation by minority businesses for construction projects greater than $100,000.00 <br /> and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br /> RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A VERIFIABLE <br /> PERCENTAGE GOAL FOR PARTICIPATION <br /> BY MINORITY BUSINESS IN THE <br /> AWARDING OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION <br /> CONTRACTS AWARDED PURSUANT TO N.C.G.S. 143-128 <br /> WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted Chapter 480 and Section 74.17 <br /> of Chapter 770 of the 1989 Session Laws, thereby rewriting North Carolina General <br /> Statute 143-128; and <br /> WHEREAS, N. C. G. S. 143-128 (c) requires each city, county or other public body <br /> to adopt, after notice and a public hearing, an appropriate verifiable percentage goal <br /> for participation by minority businesses (as defined in that statute) in the total value <br /> of work for building contracts and costs of which exceed one hundred thousand dollars <br /> ($100,000) and which are awarded pursuant to N. C. G. S. 143-128; and <br />