Orange County NC Website
PAGE 6 <br /> semiannual reports to the TJCOG as described in the attached "Regional Data <br /> Base Proposal. " The initial phase of the database is to be operational by <br /> April 1, 1990 to coincide with the decennial Census of Population and <br /> Housing. <br /> FURTHERMORE, we will participate with the Triangle J Council of Governments and the <br /> municipalities and counties in the Region in a continuing program to achieve <br /> coordinated growth policies. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> B. COMPLETION AND PRESENTATION OF RURAL CHARACTER STUDY STRATEGIES <br /> Marvin Collins presented to the Commissioners a proposed schedule for <br /> completion and presentation of the proposed rural Character Strategies. The proposed <br /> schedule is listed below: <br /> 1. Rural Character Subcommittee - Completes review of proposed Kendig <br /> strategies and presents recommendations to full Study Committee. <br /> 2. Rural Character Study Committee - Prepares preliminary recommendations <br /> regarding strategy options. <br /> 3. Township Advisory Council Meetings - Preliminary recommendations are <br /> presented at Township Advisory Council meetings for purpose of obtaining <br /> citizen views regarding various options. <br /> 4. Rural Character Study Committee - Prepares final recommendations based on <br /> comments received at Township Advisory Council meetings and forwards to <br /> Planning Board. <br /> 5. Planning Board (April 16 1990) - Reviews Study Committee recommendations <br /> and forwards to Board of Commissioners with any comments. <br /> 6. Board of Commissioners (May 1 1990) - Receives report on recommended <br /> strategies and schedules public hearing for May 29, 1990. Municipalities <br /> are subsequently notified of proposals and asked to submit comments prior to <br /> or at the public hearing. <br /> 7. Public Hearing (May 29 1990) - Rural character strategies are presented and <br /> citizens are provided opportunity to ask questions and comment on proposals. <br /> 8. Following the public hearing - proposals may be referred to the Study <br /> Committee and Planning Board for final recommendation. <br /> Discussion ensued on the rural buffer and how the strategies may impact <br /> on those areas. It was decided that although some parts of the study may be referred <br /> back for further study that it is important to follow through on this schedule at <br /> this time. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Marshall to approve the schedule as shown above. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />