Orange County NC Website
PAGE 5 <br /> school population noting that the County is not growing as rapidly as predicted. <br /> John Link stated that the population projections issue will be studied by a committee <br /> made up of school officials, county officials and other agencies in the County. <br /> The Commissioners questioned the increase in cost for the new elementary <br /> school for Orange County. Orange County schools will be requested to give an <br /> explanation for this increased cost. <br /> Commissioner Marshall again emphasized the need for a swimming pool in <br /> northern Orange County. With a new high school, the pool could be large. <br /> However, a smaller pool for northern Orange County would be sufficient. John Link <br /> indicated that the CIP next year will include monies for a pool. <br /> X. ITEMS FOR DECISION--REGULAR AGENDA <br /> A. RESOLUTION--TJCOG REGIONAL LAND USE GUIDELINES <br /> Marvin Collins presented for the Board's consideration of adoption a <br /> resolution pledging Orange County's participation in the Triangle J Council of <br /> Governments Regional Land use Guidelines. These guidelines were presented at the <br /> September 14 JPA Public Hearing. The Land Use Guidelines report calls for regional <br /> cooperation in assembling policy documents, analyzing the implications of the land <br /> use guidelines, generating a common classification of land uses throughout the <br /> region, and participating in a regional database. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Marshall to adopt the resolution for the TJCOG Regional Land Use Guidelines as stated <br /> below: <br /> BE IT RESOLVED <br /> WHEREAS, the Triangle J Council of Governments has presented a report entitled <br /> "Triangle J Council of Governments, Land Use Guidelines, " containing certain <br /> information and findings, and <br /> WHEREAS, the purpose of said report is to present information about the region, share <br /> information among the counties and municipalities, and achieve cooperation, <br /> coordination and compatibility among the growth policies of the counties and <br /> municipalities within the Triangle J Region, and <br /> WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina <br /> recognizes that the increasingly urbanized and complex nature of the Region requires <br /> regional cooperation in order to preserve and protect those qualities that make the <br /> Triangle J Region a unique and desirable place to live, <br /> NOW THEREFORE, we pledge the following efforts: <br /> 1. assemble those documents which set forth our current policies related to <br /> growth (direction, intensity, and pace) , housing, critical environmental and <br /> natural areas, infrastructure, open space and economic development, analyze <br /> and summarize the documents, and provide the summary to the Triangle J <br /> Council of Governments, <br /> 2. an analysis of the local implications of implementing the recommendations in <br /> the TJCOG report, <br /> 3. cooperation with the Council of Governments and the municipalities and <br /> counties in the Region in arriving at a common classification of existing <br /> and proposed land uses that is suitable for urban as well as regional <br /> planning, and <br /> 4. participation in the development of a regional database initially involving <br />