Orange County NC Website
PAGE 4 <br /> VII. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br /> VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE <br /> IX. REPORTS <br /> A. ORANGE COUNTY ARTS COMMISSION REPORT <br /> Chair of the Arts Commission Joan Cohen thanked the Board for their <br /> support. Chairman Carey handed out to the recipients checks totaling $6,850. He <br /> commended the Arts Commission for their hard work. <br /> B. REPORT ON ADOLESCENTS IN NEED <br /> Betty Compton reported on what is happening with the Adolescents in Need <br /> Project and the challenges they face. What is happening this year is that the <br /> referrals are being received from younger teens in the earlier grades at Stanford and <br /> Stanback. The referrals have increased drastically in these schools. She noted they <br /> would like to increase at least by one day the services that are presently being <br /> provided at these two schools. This cannot be done without additional money. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to approve appropriating $5,000 from the Commissioner's Contingency for the <br /> Adolescents in Need Project. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> C. UPDATE ON THE STATUS OF THE TRIANGLE WIDE TOLL FREE CALLING PLAN <br /> Dick Helwig, Chair of the TJCOG Telephone Committee, gave background <br /> information on the extended area service study. This issue is to come before the <br /> Utilities Commission in late February or early March. The Utilities Commission is <br /> the sole regulatory body and they will decide what the service should be, what the <br /> costs of the service should be, what the rates should be and how the process will be <br /> worked out. The citizens will have an opportunity to speak at this hearing. He <br /> asked the Commissioners to please plan to attend. The tentative outline will include <br /> hearings to take place in May or June. These hearings will be regional and cover <br /> rate increases and the order establishing these hearings. It is important that the <br /> citizenry of Orange County support this issue at these public hearings. Extended <br /> area service may need to be revised to exclude the Durham-Raleigh leg and combine <br /> this with the Research Triangle and the airport calling area to cover the entire <br /> triangle. <br /> John Link will work with Dick Helwig on a public statement that will be <br /> presented to the Board for their endorsement. He will also send out letters to other <br /> agencies asking for their support. Dick Helwig will make a presentation to the EDC <br /> committees. <br /> D. COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br /> The County Manager presented the Capital Improvement Plan for 1990-1995. <br /> He stated that the plan meets the County's greatest needs from a capital investment <br /> point of view over that period of time. This plan will be updated annually. New <br /> projects and new revenue will be reviewed at that time. New initiatives this year <br /> include landscaping of the Old Courthouse and major improvements to the solid waste <br /> management system. Ellen Liston and Rod Visser used overhead transparencies to show <br /> the individual elements of the CIP. These elements are included in the CIP document <br /> and in a document that was distributed to the Board. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis questioned again the projected growth in the <br />