Orange County NC Website
PAGE 3 <br /> GRANT PROJECT ORDINANCE <br /> AIDS TESTING PROGRAM <br /> Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners that pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter <br /> 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina the ordinance adopting the "AIDS <br /> Testing Program" is hereby amended as follows: <br /> Section 1. Section 3 of the above mentioned ordinance is amended to read as <br /> follows: <br /> Intergovernmental $ 37,350 <br /> AIDS Testing <br /> Section 2. Section 4 of the above mentioned ordinance is amended to read as <br /> follows: <br /> Human Services $ 37,350 <br /> AIDS Testing <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> B. FIREWORKS PERMIT-UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. CHAPEL HILL <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Chairman Carey to <br /> approve a fireworks permit for the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, for <br /> February 3, 1990; contingent upon submission of a certificate of insurance naming the <br /> County as additional insured; contingent upon approved site inspection by the Town <br /> and County EMS; contingent upon the submission of a "Certificate of Compentency"; and <br /> authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br /> VOTE: AYES, 4; NOES, 1 (Commissioner Halkiotis) <br /> VI. RESOLUTIONS/PROCLAMATIONS <br /> As SCHOOL AMERICA DAY <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to proclaim January 27, 1990 as "School America Day" as stated below: <br /> WHEREAS, the family is a gift from God, the richest of all blessings, the foundation <br /> upon which our future rests; and <br /> WHEREAS, the purpose of SCHOOL AMERICA is to establish literacy as a value in every <br /> family; and <br /> WHEREAS, Delta Sigma Theta, a public service sorority, in response to Barbara Bush <br /> Foundation for family literacy has developed SCHOOL AMERICA, a program to <br /> address this problem; and <br /> WHEREAS, national organizations and local communities in cooperation with our <br /> national government must work together to raise the literacy level of our <br /> children, their families and thus our nation; and <br /> WHEREAS, children should be read to -- it helps their growth; and <br /> WHEREAS, all citizens have a responsibility to our children and they must encourage <br /> them to excel to the heights of their potential, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim January <br /> 27, 1990 as <br /> "SCHOOL AMERICA DAY" <br /> in the County of Orange and urge all citizens to make a commitment to family <br /> literacy. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />