Orange County NC Website
PAGE 2 <br /> II. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT <br /> John Link reported that the County had a very successful Adopt a Highway <br /> effort on January 13. Last evening Albert Kittrell made a presentation to the Orange <br /> County Board of Education about the efforts on the part of the County to develop a <br /> community center and a small park on land owned by the Board of Education. The <br /> proposal was to lease a portion of land and utilize it for these two purposes. <br /> Albert gave a report as follows: <br /> REPORT ON THE SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER/PARK AT EFLAND CHEEKS <br /> Albert Kittrell stated that the County asked the School Board to lease to <br /> the County 8.5 acres of land. Five and one half acres would be used for the <br /> community center and park and the remaining three acres would be used as pedestrian <br /> trails and future expansion for the school. The school board offered to lease to the <br /> County a parcel 300' by 300' located in the upper most northwestern part of the site. <br /> It was the consensus of the Board to pursue looking at how this particular parcel can <br /> be used in concert with parcels of land adjacent to it and determine if it is <br /> feasible to proceed at this site. <br /> III. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO THE AGENDA <br /> 1. Under VI add a proclamation for SCHOOL AMERICA DAY <br /> 2. Under IX add a report from Dick Helwig on Extended Area Service as <br /> Item 9B and move Item 9B to 9C. <br /> IV. AUDIENCE COMMENTS <br /> A. MATTERS ON THE PRINTED AGENDA <br /> Chairman Carey announced that those who have indicated a desire to make <br /> comments will be recognized at the appropriate time. <br /> B. MATTERS NOT ON THE PRINTED AGENDA <br /> Karen Christian presented a petition with 201 signatures. It referred <br /> to the hazardous speed limit of 50 miles per hour on Whitfield Road and asked that it <br /> be reduced to 35 miles per hour. The petition was received by the Board and is in <br /> the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office. The County Manager will write a <br /> letter to DOT about the situation and contact the Sheriff's Office and State Highway <br /> Patrol. <br /> PUBLIC CHARGE <br /> Chairman Moses Carey read the public charge. <br /> V. ITEMS FOR DECISION--CONSENT AGENDA <br /> Item B was removed for separate consideration. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Hartwell <br /> to approve item A on the Consent Agenda as stated below: <br /> A. AIDS TESTING GRANT PROJECT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT <br /> Adopted the proposed grant project ordinance amendment as stated below <br /> and authorized the Chairman to sign the Local Health Department Budget Revision. <br />